Stronger Friendships During Youth May Predict Long-term Mental Health

Stronger Friendships During Youth May Predict Long-term Mental Health

Having strong friendships during teenage may prevent symptoms of anxiety and depression later in life, a study suggests.

A recent research showed that intimate bonds of friendships during youth could increase social acceptance and self-worth, and possibly predict aspects of long-term mental and emotional health.

The researchers followed-up with 169 adolescents from different backgrounds for over 10 years, from the time they were 15 years old to when they were 25. For assessment, they were interviewed on an annual basis about their closest friends, and quality of friendships.

It was found that adolescents who gave importance to close friendships at age 15 had lesser social anxiety, a greater sense of self-worth and fewer symptoms of depression by the time they turned 25, compared to their peers.

The researchers stated that strong relationships with peers help teenagers deal with day-to-day problems in a better way. In this way, higher-quality friendships could improve many aspects of emotional health over time, and decrease the chances of social anxiety later in life, they added.

Source: Child Development Journal


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