Do Blood Pressure Medications Cause Diabetes?

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High blood pressure and diabetes are two extremely common health conditions and both the conditions are a risk factor for the other. In some people, diabetes and high blood pressure co-exist.

Here are a few facts about high blood pressure medications that you should know:

-Blood pressure reducing medications help in lowering the blood pressure by acting at various levels in the body.

-Earlier it was thought that beta blockers and thiazide diuretics, a class of high blood pressure reducing drugs, could lead to diabetes.

-These thiazide drugs, increased the excretion of water from the body by increasing urine output.

-This ultimately led to reduction in high blood pressure.

-However, now there is enough evidence and research to prove that blood pressure medications( beta blockers and  thiazides) do not  increase the risk of diabetes or cause diabetes.

However, the fact remains that untreated high blood pressure can increase the risk of diabetes type 2 in the long run.

High blood pressure should be controlled well by dietary modifications, medications as prescribed by the doctor and regular blood pressure monitoring.

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