5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Chicory (Kaasane)

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Chicory, a woody and herbaceous plant with beautiful flowers, is a native to the Europe. Chicory houses several essential vitamins and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid, potassium and Vitamin A, B6, C, E and K. The chicory root is often ground to form a powder and used like coffee powder. The leaves and buds of the plant are also beneficial and can be consumed directly.

Here are some amazing health benefits of chicory:

1 . Fights Stress

Unlike coffee, chicory does not contain caffeine and therefore is considered as a great option for fighting stress. It also has sedative properties and soothes the mind and can help you get a healthy sleep. It helps to bring the stress hormone (cortisols) under check thereby reducing stress.

2 . Promotes A Healthy Liver

Extracts from the chicory root have been found to protect against the chemical induced free radicals and possible toxicity to the liver. Rich in antioxidants, it significantly reduced oxidative stress, prevented cell damage and improved liver toxicity.

3 . Prevents Onset of Diabetes

Chicory root extract contains a natural protein adiponectin, that helps to regulate the glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown. Studies suggest that the chicory root extract could help to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.

4 . Relieves Constipation

Rich in inulin (the natural fiber), chicory root helps to add bulk to the bowel, promotes peristaltic motions and promotes secretion of gastric juices. All this together improves the overall digestion of the body and helps to prevent constipation.

5 . Reduces Arthritis Pain

Chicory root is enriched with anti-inflammatory compounds that help to fight conditions such as osteoarthritis pain. Positives results have been observed in studies that were conducted to check for the efficacy of the root in relieving muscle pain, joint soreness, and general aches.

So, go ahead and add this wonder herb to your bucket list and reap its countless benefits. Eat Healthy, Stay Happy!

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