Try These 9 Amazing Rules For A Happier Life Ahead!

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Challenged by so much, it is important for us to remember the old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine”. Science too has proven that staying happy can make you live a healthier and a longer life. Here are some simple lifestyle tips that could help you keep away stress and stay happier.

1 . Kickstart Your Day With Positive Energy

-Make your daily waking up a spiritual experience. Let the morning sunshine make its way into your room.

-Don’t rush out of your bed in a hurry. Instead, every morning, when you open your eyes, wake up with a different answer to the statement “My purpose today is to ……… today”

2 . Spend Quality Time with Yourself

-Take a 15-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, make sure you smile. Practice the art of sitting in silence every day for 10 minutes.

-Take out time for meditation and prayers. They provide us with a daily fuel to get charged up for the day.

3 . Live Each Day With The 3″E”s

-The 3“E”s are Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy. Live each day by including these 3 “E”s.

-Include more outdoor games in your daily routine. Read more books and disconnect from the virtual world. Dream of a better world and a better you.

4 . Make the Right Food Choices

-Remember, you are what you eat. Eat more of natural and organic foods and less of those foods that processed.

-Do not skip your meals and drink plenty of water to cleanse your system.

5 . Spread Happiness

-Surprisingly, the golden rule of happiness is that “the more you make others happy: the happier you will be”.

-Try to make at least 3 people smile every day. Make sure you have a hearty laugh, and smile more.

6 . Declutter And Organize 

-Keep your surroundings clutter free. Clear clutter from your room, your wardrobe, your car and your desk.

-The more organized your surroundings are, the better your life will be. This will make way for positive flow of energy into your life.

7 . Learn to Let Go

Be more forgiving.  Everyone around you is facing challenges just like you. Do not let hatred consume you.

-Let go of negative people and stay away from negative situations. Do not compare your life with others. You have no idea what they have been through.

8 . Express Love and Embrace Criticism 

-Love needs to be shown. Show your loved ones more love. Pamper your parents and grandparents with small gestures. You will feel very happy and content.

-You do not have to win every argument. Learn to “agree to disagree”. Do not be disturbed by what others might think of you. But what you can control is how you respond to it.

9 . Hit The Bed With Gratitude

-Before you go to bed, remind yourself what you are grateful for and what you liked doing the most during the day.

-Sleep on time. If you fear missing your favorite late night shows, record them and watch them later.

Life is too short to be taking everything seriously. Tell yourself that “The best is yet to come”.Always hope for a better tomorrow. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of things that you cannot change! Stay Happy, Stay Healthy.

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