Did You Know About These Amazing Benefits Of Lavender Oil?

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Think of freshness and an image of the purple Lavender in its full glory is bound to hit your mind. Owing to its refreshing floral fragrance and soothing nature, it is among the commonly used raw material in the cosmetic industry. Over the years, the rapidly evolving wellness industry has witnessed essential oils coming into prominence and, for its sheer versatility, Lavender oil takes the crown of being the most popular one among other able contenders.

Some of the essential health benefits and ways to use Lavender oil are:

1 . Strengthens Immune System

The polluted environment and our junk-heavy diets introduce free radicals into our body that destroy our immune system. Packed with anti-oxidants, lavender oil reverse the ill effects of these free radicals. Inhaling the soothing scent of Lavender oil helps in strengthening your immunity.

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-Place lavender oil diffusers around the house to inhale the benefits of Lavender.

2 . Heals wounds

Owing to its anti-microbial and healing properties, Lavender oil works wonders when used on cuts, bruises and even burns. It has also been widely used in combination with honey and has shown to be very effective in healing wounds.

-Apply 1-2 drops of Lavender oil on the wound and let it work its magic.

3 . Aids Sleep

The subtle but deep fragrance of the oil relaxes the jangled nerves and helps the body relax. Its ability to regulate the serotonin levels helps in relieving stress and therefore aids sleep. Those suffering from sleeplessness or insomnia can give Lavender oil a try.

– Try the warm soak as mentioned above before bed time or you may even rub a drop of Lavender oil into the pillow.

-Add 3-4 drops of Lavender oil in a warm bucket of bathing water and wash the stress away. This soak is also guaranteed to relieve aching and tired muscles.

4 . Promotes Skin Health

Regular users of Lavender oil swear by its skin-care attributes. It’s anti-oxidising and anti-microbial properties help treat itches, eczema, rashes, sunburns and reverts skin-ageing.

-Massage 1-2 drops of lavender oil into the affected area every day.

-Once in a while get a massage with Lavender oil infused essential oils to improve circulation that will add radiance to your skin.

-Its application has been proven to treat shingles and scabies.

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5 . Treats Headache

Studies suggest that the major constituents of the oil (linalool and linalyl acetate) is readily absorbed and helps in treating headaches. It works as a sedative, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and a calming agent.

– Pour 2 drops of Lavender oil on your palms, rub them together and bring them close to your face so that you inhale the oil. A few breaths later you will feel the headache go away.

-A massage around the temple and neck with Lavender oil will have a similar outcome.

6 . Refreshes Air

Enriched with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal properties, Lavender oil has been found to be very effective in providing a calm and refreshing surrounding. It acts as an instant air freshener and also repels pests and flies.

-A very common way to use Lavender oil is to scatter small cotton balls sprinkled with Lavender oil around your home.

A small word of caution: Though it is largely free of ill or side-effects, patients of chronic heart or respiratory conditions, infants and pregnant ladies should ideally consult a doctor before buying their bottle of Lavender oil. So, go ahead and wisely add this essential oil in your daily use and reap its countless benefits. Live Healthy, Stay Healthy!

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