Vaginal Discharge: Here Is All You Need To Know

A girl worried about her vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is one of the annoying things women can experience. It is unpleasant and often irritating, still, most of the women fail to address this issue. Vaginal discharge is gross, but it is not uncommon. So, keeping things aside, if a woman sees this as just like another issue she can prevent untimely vaginal discharge.

What is Vaginal Discharge?

When a bacteria or dead cells are to be cleaned, then they are washed out in the form of a liquid. It is one of the body’s defensive mechanism and should not be a cause of worry if the discharge is white, thick and odorless. Women have vaginal discharge before the start and after the end of menstruation cycle.

Although it is normal, women should be aware of some of the underlying health conditions based on the type of vaginal discharge.  So, it is vital for a woman to learn the various types and causes

Types and causes:

1) Thick, odorless and clear discharge: Don’t worry, it is just a regular process and should not be a cause for concern.
2)Gummy Discharge: it is also normal, as it indicates that a woman is ovulating.
3) Denser than normal: It is normal if the discharge is not accompanied by fishy odor. The discharge will be thicker usually during the second half of the cycle.
4) Heavy Discharge:  Usually at the end of the period the release will be more but, if you think it is not, then you need to check with your doctor, because it may be due to the infections usually caused by tampons or new soaps.
5) Bloody-Brown Discharge: if you see bloody-brown discharge at the end your cycle then you don’t need to worry about it. But if you have it in the mid-month, then please see your gynecologist. This could be a vaginal infection. Only a Gynaecologist can help you with the solution.
6) Clumpy white Discharge:  You should book an appointment with your gynecologist if it is accompanied by itching and pain while urinating. This may be due to the yeast infections. Don’t worry though, it is easily treated.
7) Greyish Discharge: It is the indication of bacterial infections. So, see your doctor for best treatment.

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How to Prevent Abnormal Vaginal Discharge?

Although we cannot prevent it we can try to stop the abnormal vaginal discharge by following few preventive steps:
1) Avoid Vaginal Douching: It can create the imbalance between the healthy and harmful bacteria leading to vaginal infections.
2) Avoiding antibiotics:  Try not to use the antibiotics, as they can imbalance the flora.
3) Use baby wipes: Organic and unscented wipes are the best option to clean the excess discharge. Avoid using cloth and remember, don’t go deep into the vagina.
4) Stay Hygienic: Being hygienic is essential, or else the situation will get worse. Change your underwear daily and don’t sit in one if it’s damp like post-workout session. Keep yourself clean.
5) Sanitary-Pad usage: Use the sanitary pads only when it is necessary. Let your vagina breathe, because airflow is important.
6) Go Herbal: Herbal remedies are most effective, and you should try araca ashoka, Symplocos racemosa, Cyperus rotundus, and Ficus benghalensis etc.

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Vaginal discharge is nothing to worry about. Most of the time it is normal and should not be a cause for concern. However, with right help, medications and simple lifestyle changes abnormal vaginal discharge can be prevented and treated.

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