5 Ways To Ensure Glowing Skin This Summer Season!

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Summer in the Indian sub-continent means dry-heat in the plains and humidity in the coastal areas. And both these weather conditions have a harmful impact on your skin. Dry, listless and parched skin; oily skin prone to break out; sun burnt and irritated skin are just some of the effects of a scorching Indian summer. While there is not much you can do about the heat, you can take charge of your skin and ensure your skin stays healthy and glowing.

Here are some amazing skincare tips you must follow this summer season:

1 . Stay Hydrated

The secret for glowing skin all year around is to stay hydrated. Water is the best way to stay hydrated, don’t rely on sodas, fancy cold coffees or packaged juices to hydrate the body. The high levels of sugar in these drinks can dehydrate the body further and cause an increase in weight due to extra calories. Tasty and healthy alternatives to water are coconut water, fruit infusions, fresh juices with no added sugar, buttermilk and cooling drinks like aam panna, kokum sherbet, khus sherbet. Try to drink 3-4 litres every day for well hydrated skin.

2 . Apply Sunscreen

Invest in a good sunscreen to protect your skin from the damage caused by harmful UV rays. To avoid burnt skin, using sunscreen regularly, even on parts not exposed to direct sunlight. Pick from cream, lotion, or spray-on, water based or oil based, depending on your skin type and pick one that is SPF 30 for better protection.

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3 . Use A Scrub

Summer can cause the sebaceous gland to secrete excessive oil, causing black heads and acne. Exfoliate your skin at least once a week for clear skin free from build-up. Apply a cleanser before using a scrub for best results. Mix the juice of 1 small tomato with a spoon of sugar, add ½ spoon of honey for dry skin and gently scrub your face, neck, back and areas prone to acne. Rinse with cool water for smooth skin. The lycopene in tomatoes help reduce and repair UV damage and the sugar helps remove dead skin for smoother skin.

4 . Repair The Skin

Even the best skin-care regime needs a boost during summer to repair the damage cause by the harsh sun. Spend some time every week to apply a face pack and soothing lotions to the body to repair the skin. For sun-burnt or irritated skin, simply apply coconut water or aloe vera gel to the affected area. To lighten tanned skin mix lemon juice, cucumber pulp and rose water, apply to arms, legs and face, leave on for 15-20 mins and wash with cool water for brighter skin.

5 . Cleanse And Tone

Make sure to keep your face clean through summer to prevent outbreaks. Wash your face 2 times a day with a soap free face wash; apply a toner or astringent to protect the skin from heat and pollution. Purchase alcohol free toners or make a toner with 150ml rose water and 2 pinches of camphor powder. Use a cotton ball to apply this on the face after washing and before moisturising with a light weight lotion. Use a cleanser every night to clean dirt and impurities from the skin. Mix 2 spoons of honey with a spoon of lemon juice and apply on the face, leave on until the mix is dry and wash with warm water for clean acne free skin.

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