The Hidden Health Risks Of An Ill-Fitting Brassiere

Bra size

Brassiere, an important asset in every woman’s closet, is more than an accessory. They offer a vital trio of support, comfort, and confidence. However, here’s a startling fact: a whopping 80% of women wear the wrong brassiere size. Yes, you read that correctly – most of us don brassieres that aren’t the perfect fit. This oversight can lead to discomfort, pain, and potential health issues.

Whether you’re a woman keen to understand more about your breast health or a gentleman wanting to support the women in your life, this exploration is for you. As we commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s an opportune time to reveal the connection between brassieres and health. Wearing a properly fitted brassiere that matches your size and shape can optimize your body’s functionality, allowing it to perform at its peak.

If you have ever experienced discomfort or symptoms related to your breast health, remember these concerns should not be hidden or kept in the shadows.

Let’s find out how an ill-fitting brassiere can impact your health.

1. Triggers Back, Shoulder, and Neck Discomfort: When your brassiere doesn’t fit properly, whether too big or too small, it fails to provide the necessary support. Wearing a properly fitted brassiere evenly distributes the weight of the breasts, relieving stress on the back, shoulders, and neck. This provides essential support to alleviate discomfort and also aids in preventing long-term problems such as back pain, maintaining good posture, and avoiding forward hunching.

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2. Cause Breast Discomfort: An overly tight brassiere can put extra strain on your breasts, resulting in discomfort. Conversely, if the brassiere is too large, your breasts may experience excessive movement, potentially leading to sagging.

3. Pain in the Nipples: An improperly sized brassiere can result in nipple discomfort as it might rub against or compress the sensitive nipple area, leading to abrasion, irritation, and, at times, discomfort. A well-fitted brassiere, on the other hand, guarantees optimal support and minimizes such discomfort.

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4. May Give Headaches: Wearing a brassiere that’s too small can create tension in your shoulders and back, eventually triggering a headache. As reported in the New York Post by Triumph brassiere-fitting specialist Paula Svoboda, “I once observed a customer with a too-tight brassiere; after fitting her correctly, her chronic neck pain and headaches vanished, a compelling real-life story of brassiere-related discomfort relief.”

5. Indigestion: Wearing tight clothing, like Spanx or tight brassiere, on the abdomen can elevate intra-abdominal pressure, potentially causing acid reflux as stomach acid is forced into the lower esophagus, disrupting regular digestive functions.

6. Difficulty in Breathing: Inadequately supported larger breasts can exert pressure on the diaphragm, potentially leading to breathing difficulties.

7. Skin Irritation: Poorly fitting brassieres can generate friction, causing chafing or skin abrasions. brassiere straps can dig into the skin, leaving painful red marks or shoulder grooves.

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How to find the right brassiere size?
To find the right brassiere size, follow these steps:
-Measure your chest beneath your breasts, and round the measurement to the nearest whole number. This rounded measurement becomes your band size, a critical part of your brassiere size.
-Make sure the measuring tape is positioned beneath your shoulder blades. This is the location where the back strap of your brassiere should sit.
-Measure your chest at the level of your nipples. Subtract your initial chest measurement (just under your breasts, which determines your band size) from the measurements you’ve taken at your nipples. The difference between these two measurements will help you determine your cup size.
-Try on brassieres as per your size.
-Ensure comfort, support, and a good fit. Adjust straps and bands as needed.

While finding your perfect brassiere size might take some time, it’s a worthwhile investment to avoid discomfort. Selecting the right brassiere is crucial not only for comfort but also for averting potential health risks. So, take your time to discover the perfect fit – your well-being deserves it. Choose your brassiere wisely!

If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to talk to an expert. Your health matters and expert guidance can make all the difference.

(The article is written by Dr.Subita Alagh, Senior Executive, and reviewed by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor)

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