Regular Tomato Consumption Linked To Reduced Skin Cancer Risk

Regular Tomato Consumption Linked To Reduced Skin Cancer Risk

Regular consumption of tomatoes could cut down risk of skin cancer, suggests study

-In a recent study published in the scientific reports journal, regular intake of tomatoes could help in reducing the risk of skin cancer.

-Tomatoes are well known for their skin benefiting properties due to te presence of lycopene, an active ingredient found in them.

-Experts from the Ohio State University in America conducted experiments on mice and found that regular consumption of tomatoes reduced the chances of skin cancer tumour formation in male mice by a whopping 50%.

-These mice were given 10% tomato powder as a part of their regular diet for nearly 35 weeks.They were then exposed to UV rays.

-They were then exposed to UV rays.

-Experts believe that pigmenting compounds that give colour to tomatoes may also help ward off and prevent the damaging effects of UV rays, reducing the risk of skin cancer.

-Regular intake of tomatoes is also linked to an array of health benefits. Being a rich source of calcium and vitamin K, they help in keeping the bones strong and healthy.

-Tomatoes are a great immunity boosting foods, owing to the abundance of vitamin A and C. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins. These compounds help protect against vision loss, heart diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.

Source: Scientific Reports Journal

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