Protein Supplements: Do You Really Need Them?

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‘Will supplements help lose weight and gain muscle? Is a question that regularly gets thrown at fitness trainers and dietitians. While a few professionals know the do’s and don’ts about sports supplements, the majority are ill-informed.It is a known fact that proteins are our body’s building blocks. They augment tissue growth and repair damaged or injured muscle. Proteins are made up of amino acids and roughly there are 20 different types that the human body needs. 8 types of amino acids, considered essential are supplied by our diet while the 12 non-essential ones are synthesized by the body.But can anyone take protein supplements ? Read on to find out.


-Someone who trains about twice a week and performs routine tasks everyday requires about 0.75 grams of proteins for each kilogram of body weight.

-On the other end of the scale, an athlete into serious body building stuff needs 2-3 times as much.


-A standard diet supplies enough proteins for individuals who perform tasks whose intensity ranges from low to mid.

-For the heavy hitters, special dietary changes are made to incorporate both animal and plant proteins or supplements to suffice the heightened protein requirements.

-Protein supplements are very convenient considering our busy lifestyles. The better variants contain all the essential amino acids that are otherwise difficult to incorporate in our diet.

-When combined with intense work-out routines the results are impressive and are almost impossible to achieve with regular foods.


-The proteins in many popular supplements are unusable by the human body as the amino acids get denatured from being heated to very high temperatures while the product is prepared.

-The supplements also contain several unhealthy additives like sugars, heavy metals and artificial flavoring agents.

-The main glitch with using these supplements is that most consumers do not require the excess and as a result the body is overloaded with unnecessary stuff that it is unable to utilize.

-The following complications can occur due to unregulated use of these supplements:

  • Weight gain: If the proteins are not utilized by the body, they are stored as fats, as simple as that.
  • Kidney Problems:  The more protein our bodies synthesize, the higher is the amount of waste that the kidneys filter. Potentially, it can cause hazards ranging from kidney stones to overall kidney failure.
  • Digestive issues: Our organs are not made to digest abnormal quantities of proteins. New users often complain of inflammation, acidity and gas.
  • Dehydration: The body uses more water to synthesize the proteins and as a result the body loses water at an alarming rate causing cramps and headaches.

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By now, it has become clear that it is best to steer clear of any unnatural sources of proteins or nutrients for that matter unless consumption becomes obligatory. It is recommended that you always seek the opinion of  a dietitian before you get started on any supplement. A safe and healthy approach is to stick to naturally protein-rich foods like meat, fish, yogurt, soybean, lentils, eggs, milk, cheese, Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, nuts and stay well. Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy!

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