Nicotine Gum: Your Aid To Quit Smoking

Image Showing Nicotine Gum as Replacement for Cigarettes

Have you been trying to quit smoking for a long time without using nicotine gum? If you have, then you are not the only one. According to the 2016-2017 GATS2 India (Global Adult Tobacco Survey) conducted by WHO, roughly 55.4% of all smokers are planning to quit[1]. To be able to break off from the harmful habit of smoking, a smoker then has to change every habit they have formed in association with smoking.

So, what should you do? You can try any of the tried and tested methods people have used to quit smoking. If you have been toying with the idea of using a nicotine gum, then here is what you need to know.

Why use a Nicotine Gum to Quit Smoking?

Nicotine gums are one of the most convenient ways to quit smoking. They are easy to use, you just have to chew them which will release the nicotine and keep chewing till you get a tingling sensation or a peppery taste[2]. However, after you feel the tingling sensation, do not spit the gum out but place it between your gum and cheeks. Due to the addictive nature of nicotine, when you try to quit cold turkey, it takes a toll on your body, and you experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include headaches, depression, anxiety, a constant desire to smoke and sleep problems among others.

Using nicotine gum provides the body with nicotine at constant intervals ensuring that you do not feel heavy withdrawal symptoms while being able to regulate your nicotine intake precisely. However, you might ask why you would consume more nicotine if it is so addictive and what is the difference in consuming nicotine by smoking cigarettes. Furthermore, you might also wonder if nicotine is a highly addictive substance, you will get addicted to nicotine gum instead of smoking.

First of all, nicotine is highly addictive but from a smoked cigarette, it takes just 7 seconds for it reach the brain[3]. Furthermore, consumption of nicotine through gum is comparatively lower than smoking. Therefore, it is still addictive but is less potent and easier to let go. According to medical professionals who prescribe nicotine gum to smokers[4]:

  • For the first six weeks, one piece of gum every 1-2 hours is sufficient
  • For the next three weeks after that, one piece every 2-4 hours
  • In the final three weeks, one piece of gum every 4-8 hours should help

The dosage of the gum can either be 2mg or 4mg per piece, depending on the frequency of your smoking habit[5]. You should not take nicotine gum for more than 12 weeks with a maximum dosage not exceeding 24 pieces per day.

However, there are possible side-effects of using nicotine gum that you should know; they include sore mouth, hiccups, stomach irritation, and jaw ache[6].

Quit Smoking Today

Nicotine gum is as a very effective smoking aid that will help you wean off cigarettes in addition to being easily available. The use of nicotine gum will help in decreasing your craving for cigarettes without having to alter your diet or any other specific requirements, unless particularly prescribed by a doctor. The sooner you quit smoking, the less chance you have of developing a smoker’s disease such as emphysema or COPD. Check out OTC smoker’s aids available online and share your experiences with nicotine gums, and how helpful were they in curbing your addiction.


[1] WHO. GATS India 2016-17 FactSheet [Internet]. 2017 [cited 24 July 2018]. Available from:

[2] Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy [Internet]. 2018 [cited 31 July 2018].

[3] Gender, Women, and the Tobacco Epidemic: Addiction to Nicotine [Internet]. 2018 [cited 31 July 2018]. Available from:

[4] A guide for tobacco users to quit [Internet]. 2018 [cited 30 July 2018]. Available from:;jsessionid=D70FBB4C597BBD68AB1640AE03607B46?sequence=1

[5] A guide for tobacco users to quit [Internet]. 2018 [cited 30 July 2018].

[6] A guide for tobacco users to quit [Internet]. 2018 [cited 30 July 2018].

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