How Can Fungal Infections Be Managed During Summer Season?

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Fungal infections commonly involve webs of the toes and fingers, nails, armpits and genital area. They cause excessive itching, redness and swelling in the affected areas. The chances of fungal infections increase during the summer season, owing to hot and humid weather conditions and excessive sweating.

Here are a few ways to help you deal with fungal infections during the summer season:

Maintain Adequate Hygiene

-Fungus thrives rapidly in moist environments. Make sure you keep your body clean and dry at all times.

-Wear light, loose and cotton clothes to help reduce sweat and avoid wearing synthetic fabrics which are too tight fitting as they do not allow the sweat on your skin to dry.

-Add  5-10 ml of antiseptic liquids in your bathing water.

-Ensure you dry the skin well after a bath, especially tricky areas like between the toes, armpits, etc that often get neglected and are storehouses for fungal infections.

-Take special precautions when you are in public places like a gym where you tend to pick up more germs.

-Use antifungal talcum powder between your toes to keep them dry.

Wear open footwear like floaters that allow the skin to breathe and stay dry. Wear cotton socks when wearing closed shoes.

-If you have a fungal infected in your genital area then opt for loose undergarments which will allow the area to stay dry. If needed, change undergarments twice a day.

-Make sure you do not use scented products on the infected area as they can cause irritation.

Try Oils

-Natural oils have been used for ages to treat infections not only present on the surface of the body but also inside.

-Coconut oil is one such widely used oil. Coconut oil has strong antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is also easily available and can be applied on the infected areas for faster healing.

-You can also try tea tree oil which has strong anti-fungal properties. Since this oil will mostly be available in concentrated forms, it is advisable to use it after mixing with a carrier oil like sweet almond oil. Apply to the infected area twice daily till the infection clears.

Eat Right 

People dealing with fungal infections must stay away from high sugar and processed foods. This is because sugar tends to feed bacteria and fungus. High sugar levels can aggravate infections and slow down the healing process.

Garlic is anti-fungal in nature and can be very effective in treating infections. Garlic can be consumed in the form of food (preferably raw) or used to apply on the infected are. Its cloves can be crushed into a paste and mixed with mustard oil to be used as an ointment.

Cranberry juice is excellent for the treatment of fungal infections. Make sure you purchase the unsweetened variety and consume it daily till you see a difference. Cranberry supplements are available in most health stores and can prove to be very helpful.

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