Changing Season Making You Sick? Try These Tips


Wondering why this season change from winter to summer is making to feel moody, weak and sickly? Fluctuations in temperature can irritate your airways and nasal passages. This compromises your immune system’s ability to fight off against infections and colds, making you fall sick. Change is the only constant. While you can’t fight change, you can definitely practice some health tips to keep healthy during this seasonal change. 

1. Diet

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. This guarantees that you’re eating the foods that your body needs. In cooler climates, eat foods like root vegetables (garlic, ginger, sweet potato etc.), grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats etc.) and legumes (beans, chickpeas, soybeans etc.). 

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Also, add tea to your daily diet. Besides being warm, many teas contain health-boosting antioxidants, especially ginger and turmeric teas. Moreover, herbal teas don’t contain any caffeine. So you don’t have to worry about being too energized before bedtime.

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2. Skincare 

Dry air and dropping temperatures can dehydrate your skin, leading to  cracks in the outer skin layer, loss of hydration, and inflammation. During the evolution from summer to fall, which is when the humidity is much lower, limit your showers to no more than five minutes. Avoid hot water, use lukewarm water instead. Use a gentle, nourishing body wash and follow up with a thicker cream.

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3. Lifestyle

Breathe fresh air as often as you can. Breathe into your belly. This is diaphragmatic breathing, and it improves your immunity, detoxifies you and exercises your internal organs. Make sure you spend enough time in the sun to get adequate Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and immune system function.

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Continue to move and stay active, even though the cooler season is coming. Maintain or start your exercise routine to improve immune function and to counter the blues and mood swings which can come about with the decrease of light and shorter days. Since the days are shorter, workout in the mornings before starting your day.

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4. Mental Health

Keep your surroundings lit up at all times to deal with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same time every year. In most cases, symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, making you feel moody and low on energy. Treatment for SAD may include light therapy (phototherapy), medication and talk therapy.

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(The article is reviewed by Dr. Swati Mishra, Medical Editor)

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