Carrots Can Help Delay Ageing! This And 5 More Amazing Health Benefits

online medicine

Carrots, until recent years, were seen as a winter vegetable. However, owing to their numerous health benefits, versatility and wide availability, this bugs-bunny favourite has become a staple for most of us. Though orange is the colour that we generally associate this root with, it is also harvested in interesting shades of purple, black, yellow, red and even white.


Besides being packed with beta-carotene, the phytonutrient that gives carrots their signature colour, these vegetables are rich sources of Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, K, dietary fibre, essential minerals like potassium, manganese and phosphorous. Add this to the fact that carrots contain zero fats and cholesterol!


Here are some of the health benefits of carrots:

1 . Boost Healthy Eyesight 

Since childhood, we have been told that eating carrots will help our vision. To supplement our belief, here’s the scientific fact: Carrots are super-rich in beta-carotene which gets converted to Vitamin A, the lack of which can potentially cause blindness. Also contained are lutein and zeaxanthin which improve vision and prevent muscular degeneration of the eyes.

2 . Promote Heart Health

Carrots being rich in antioxidants reduce oxidative stress on the heart. The dietary fibre and potassium help the arteries stay fit by removing plaque from the artery walls and balances out hypertension, the principal cause of high blood pressure and heart failures.

3 . Maintain Hydration

This again is attributed to Potassium, the mineral that maintains healthy electrolyte levels in the body and helps the muscles retain water. Carrots are the food of choice for athletes as they help beat cramps and spasms that hamper performance.

4 . Delay Ageing

The high concentration of vitamin A, B6 and vitamin C in carrots is powerful antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals and aids collagen production, a protein that is vital for an elastic and supple skin. The beta-carotene is also proven to prevent the skin from getting tanned and from the occurrence of dark spots.

5 . Promote Hair Growth

Recent studies have shown that the presence of Vitamin E and Vitamin C in carrots aid blood circulation in the entire body, including the scalp. Add the other nutrients like Vitamin A and minerals to it, it is even said to prevent hair fall.

6 . Prevent Tooth Decay

This has to do with the alkaline nature of the vegetable. Carrots stimulate the gums to produce saliva that itself being alkaline in nature balances the acidic nature of certain foods we eat thus preventing tooth decay and cavity formation and removing odour producing plaque.

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