Avoid Giving Fruit Juice To Your Toddler During Their First Year

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Avoid giving your toddler fresh fruit juice if he/ she is still not 2, instead replace it with whole fruits.

-The latest research suggests that children under the age of 1 should not be given fruit juices because they lack dietary fiber.

-Fruit juices have been found to contribute to weight gain in infants and children as they contain more added sugars than nutrients .

-Experts suggested that the intake of juices should be restricted to 113.3 grams on a daily basis for toddlers aged between 1-3 years of age.

-Intake of fruit juice should be avoided during bedtime to decrease the chances of tooth decay in the future. Instead, the children should be encouraged to have whole fruits compared to fruit juice.

-Findings were published in the journal Pediatrics 

Source: Journal Pediatrics 

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