8 Effective Ways To Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrum


Temper tantrums, also termed as acting-out behaviors, form an important part of the upbringing of children falling in the age group of 2 to 3 years of age.Tantrums begin when the child is around 12-18 months old and generally last by the time a child turns 4.Most of the times, temper tantrums are a way to gain attention from the parents and others around the child. If the tantrums continue beyond a certain age and worsen over time, they could trigger psychological problems like mood disorders along with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).  It therefore becomes crucial that the parents know how to deal with tantrums efficiently and without trying to worsen or aggregate them.

Here are a few simple ways to deal with Temper Tantrums and prevent meltdowns:

1 . Ignore Your Child For A While

In the midst of a tantrum your child is high on emotions and no amount of talking shall do any good. If you think that your child exhibits destructive behavior or is not calming down over a few minutes, it is advisable to hold him/her and try and pacify him/her.

2 . Give Him/Her Space

Let them vent their anger out. It is best to let them vent out their anger in a non destructive manner. They will be able to pull themselves together and regain self control. This clearly does not mean you got to be ignorant to the child but you have to be receptive.

3 . Try Distracting Your Child

 A swift change by engaging your child’s mind in something he/she loves like reading a book, painting, trying a sport can work wonders in controlling a temper tantrum. Distraction can make them forget that they were crying over something. Carry small toys ,biscuits or cookies in your bag for emergencies.

4 . Do Not Give Him/Her An Audience

In case of a public tantrum, take your child to a separate area. This shall provide him with no audience. Presence of people around the cranky child provides him/her with a sympathetic audience and attention from all of them. Therefore avoid such situations.

5 . Never Use Violence Or Abuse

The next time you feel the urge to spank your child and get him/her under control, pause and take a deep breath. This will force your child to suppress his/her expression. And no parent would want that. The aim is to teach the right way of expressing demands, hurt or anger. Hitting your child or verbally abusing him/her is something that is not justified under any situation.

6 . Be Expressive With Your Child

At peak points, a warm hug can pacify the child’s anger and give him/her a sense of security and love. Try and understand the reason behind the tantrum. Do not give up, instead once the tantrum has ceased, talk calmly to him/her. Explain to your child in a gentle way why such a behavior was wrong and how they can ask for what they want without throwing a fit of anger.

7 . Appreciate Your Child’s Good Behavior

Appreciate your child when he exhibits a change of  behavior which will encourage him/her  to improvise on a constant basis. At times, you must recall and remind your child of a similar situation in the past when he/she acted in a better way.

8 . Opt For Constructive Learning

There is no age bar post which the child should be made to learn things. Instead early learning of words/ expressions shall help in building the desired understanding much before time. This eventually will narrow down the levels of frustration that arise when the child is unable to communicate his thoughts.

So, go ahead and try these simple and effective ways to deal with temper tantrums and help your child evolve into a healthy and happy individual. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy with 1mg, the Best online chemist shop in India!


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