6 Dietary Tips For Healthy And Safe Summers!

6 Dietary Tips For Healthy And Safe Summers!

Summer is one of those exhausting phases when everything seems like an effort. Now with the effect of global warming on our planet, we have really started feeling our summers. The weather has hit highs like never before. So in such a summer, it is important to keep a tab on our health and well-being because this summer is apparently a draining one. It is said to drain you of your energy and if you have been out in the sun lately, I am sure you will agree.

Here are some important dietary tips to follow during the summer season

1 . Replace Meats With Seafood

With the summer causing a huge strain on your body, it would be unwise to eat hard to digest meat and make your stomach work double time. Seafood is a good choice because it is easy on your stomach and satisfies the meat cravings. It is also a good source of protein which is required for your energy and to keep you on your toes. Do make sure that the catch is fresh as summer can also spoil seafood really easily.

2 . Add Seasonal Fruits

Fruits vary season to season and according to the season, nature produces the right kind of fruit. Contrary to belief, it is good to eat mangoes during summer. So find the seasonal fruit and make it your own for a healthy summer.

3 . Opt For Healthy Sports Drinks

It is a good idea to keep hydrated by drinking sports drinks like Gatorade. Sweat makes you loose not only moisture in your body but also the relevant electrolytes. While the natural alternative is tender coconut water, sports drinks work to substitute the required electrolytes in your body, thus helping you beat the energy drain. Energy drinks are high in calories so make sure that you do not consume more than one a day.

4 . Have Smoothies And Shakes For Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal and it is good not to skip it. Summer makes it hard to eat first thing in the morning so it is good to substitute it with a smoothie or a health shake like a protein shake. This fills you up straight away but keeps it light enough for the summer morning

 5 . Add Berries To Your Diet

Great source of antioxidants and perfect for the summer, berries also take care of your sweet cravings. Each berry takes care of a different kind of vitamin. They keep you healthy by providing a different kind of antioxidant vitamin with each berry. Need we say more?

6 . Have Fresh Veggies

Veggies like tomatoes and zucchini are made for the summer. They replace the necessary vitamins that a body drains during the day. Not to mention it a great and tasty addition to that salad you can make every day to keep your meal balanced.With the right nutrients and enough water, it becomes slightly easier to beat the heat because your body is in better shape for the fight. The foods mentioned above should help you keep your health and calories in check for the summer.

With the right nutrients and enough water, it becomes slightly easier to beat the heat because your body is in better shape for the fight. The foods mentioned above should help you keep your health and calories in check for the summer.

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