5 Worst Dinner Options That May Be Harming Your Health!


The popular belief of eating a full meal at dinner not only makes you unhealthy and unconsciously adds extra pounds to your body, but there are certainly some dinner options that also make your sleep uncomfortable and makes you feel lethargic and inactive.

Although there is no restriction for foods to be consumed at dinner, there are some specific foods that do not make the best dinner partners and are best avoided.

1 . High in Fat

-Dinner time is the worst time to eat a fatty meal. Research suggests that saturated fat produces the highest degree of inflammation when consumed late at night.

-Food high in fat has been found to put you at a higher risk of metabolic diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes.

-Foods like macaroni and pasta, rich oily curries and deep fried dishes are the ones to avoid in dinner if you have a problem of acid reflux.

2 . High in Sugars

-Eating food that is high in carbohydrate late for dinner adversely affects your bodies. Carbohydrates get converted into glucose for energy, while the unused ones get stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles.

-When consumed late at night, sugar that your body isn’t able to use right away gets stored as fat.

-Try and avoid foods high in carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, pasta, maida.

3 . Protein Rich Foods

-For those who are on a diet, protein may play a major role in combating hunger pangs during the day because it is really hard to digest. But protein consumption late at night has more drawbacks than you probably know.

-As protein takes a long time to digest, a high protein diet will interfere with your sleep patterns and keep you stressed and tired.

-Avoid foods such as red meat as it is loaded with proteins and fats which makes it very difficult to digest. Opt for the lean proteins.

4 . Fried and Spicy Food

-Nutritionists recommend baking the chicken instead of frying it. Try and stay subtle on spices and sauces as it gives rise to indigestion and loose motion.

-For example, garlic which is considered as a health booster is the worst spice to take during dinner. Foods with high garlic content often lead to heart burn.

-These foods interfere with your sleep pattern so it is very important to notice what you are binging on just before sleep.

5 . Caffeine

-For caffeine sensitive people, it is advised to limit coffee intake six hours before you go to bed. The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine which is a psychoactive substance.

-Caffeine shows its activity in the brain and it affects the functioning of neurotransmitters thereby exerting a stimulating effect on your nerves.

Sources of caffeine other than coffee are chocolates, energy drinks, tea and soft drinks. All these foods are best avoided during dinner so as to lower chances of restlessness, stress and sleep disorders.

So, go ahead and adopt a healthy, light and nutrient dense dinner and help keep diseases at bay. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!

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