5 Natural Remedies To Soothe Leg Pain

leg pain

Pain in the legs could stem from many reasons. Cramps, muscle fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, muscle spasms, dehydration, injured tendons, and muscle strain are a few of them. The symptoms of leg pain often include throbbing (dull or stabbing sensations), aching, numbness, cramps, and weakness. It could be faint or severe enough to affect mobility. While a painkiller is a primary choice for many people, several others look at natural remedies to reduce leg pain.

Discover effective and natural remedies to ease leg pain. Learn how to find relief through these 5 proven home remedies and say goodbye to leg discomfort today!

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and contains a powerful antioxidant called curcumin. Both these properties of turmeric make it a potent remedy for relieving osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

A paste of turmeric mixed with warm sesame oil (to be applied on the aching part), turmeric mixed with milk, ginger turmeric tea, and turmeric-containing joint pain supplements can be used to get rid of leg pains.

2. Epsom Salt Soak
Epsom salt has magnesium sulphte. When added to hot bath water, the magnesium sulphate in the salt acts as an electrolyte. Soaking legs in this bathwater helps in regulating nerve signals in them.
An epsom salt soak helps in minimizing inflammation, pain, and swelling. Since the credit for reducing swelling goes to magnesium, a supplement may help as well.

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3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Soaking the aching leg in a solution of warm water and one or two cups of apple cider vinegar is a powerful natural remedy for joint pain and inflammation. It helps in arthritis and gout pain. It clears toxins out of connective tissues and joints. It supplies potassium and calcium which are essential for relieving pain.
Drinking the solution of warm water, honey, and a few spoons of apple cider vinegar also serves the purpose.

4. Dandelion Leaves
Dandelion leaves contain vitamins A and C in high amount. These vitamins can help in repairing damaged tissues. When ingested, they also assist the liver in clearing toxins from the blood. The leaves also contain linoleic acid and thus exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Since dandelion leaves affect immune responses, they can prove helpful in dealing with rheumatoid arthritis.
Dandelion leaves (dried or fresh) can be mixed with a cup of boiling water or turned into a salad for consumption.

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5. Tart Cherry Juice
If extreme physical activities have caused leg pain, the resulting muscle soreness and discomfort can be dealt with by drinking tart cherry juice. Experts often suggest tart cherry juice over leg pain-relieving medications. Tart cherries have anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain antioxidants. Both of these features help in treating soft tissue injury and reducing pain.
Tart cherries, when eaten or drunk, may cause abdominal discomfort, even diarrhea. It is always better to observe the effects after drinking tart cherry juice first before making it a regular choice of food.
Other natural remedies to reduce leg pain include juniper berry tea, pectin, grape juice, peppermint eucalyptus oil blend, white willow tea, and blackstrap molasses. However, if the pain refuses to leave, visiting a doctor is always the best way to get rid of it for good.

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(The article is reviewed by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor)

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