4 Rules To Help You Stay Motivated While Trying To Lose Weight

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Dietitians cannot stress enough on how important it is to lead a balanced lifestyle and a part of that is having a healthy weight for your height. However, most of us start off like fireworks, only to fizzle out rapidly. A big part of being able to keep up with your weight loss regime is staying motivated enough. So let’s begin with a simple change. Instead of saying that you need to lose weight, say that you need to get fit! Merely losing weight does not make one healthy. It’s only a part of leading a balanced lifestyle. So let’s pause and reflect on a few tips which will motivate you to stick to your commitment to becoming fit!

1 . Set realistic goals

At the starting of the regime, you will be highly motivated and want to do everything at once. However, the key is to stay sane and not use all your willpower at once. Do not set unrealistic goals. Once you formulate a regime, take it at a decent pace and do not over exert yourself in order to lose the weight you have gained over the years in just a month. Your body will not understand the sudden change and when you do not see the desired result, you will feel less motivated. So set attainable goals. For example, commit to working out for 30 minutes for at least 5 days a week instead of committing to losing 4 kilos in a month. Commit to going for that walk each day, or skipping the bus home every alternate day and walking it up. Set simple goals that the brain can process.

2 . Use fitness apps

If we have technology at our service all the time, then we might as well put it to good use. One very common mistake people make while trying to lose weight is that they do not keep a tab on their calorie intake, their nutritional status and the amount of exercise needed daily. Fitness apps can help you with all these issues. There are so many apps available for smartphones which help you keep a count on calorie intake and can also give you a daily report of how much calories you have burnt. The constant feedback will keep you motivated throughout. Apps like Noom Coach, Google Fit, etc. will help you do these seamlessly.

3 . Surround yourself with healthy food

Remember that time when you decided to have a cheat day and it accidently ended up being a cheat month? In order to not let that happen again, surround yourself with only healthy food. Simply do not buy anything unhealthy- biscuits, cakes, bread, packed foods, etc from the grocery store. Some people get overwhelmed by the presence of high-calorie foods, feel the compulsion to have them and feel guilty after eating. This ruins motivation. So keep your fridge stocked with fruits and vegetables so that you don’t give yourself a chance to digress!

4 . Stop comparing yourself

It may seem like a good idea to keep looking at pictures of healthy models with the perfectly sculpted body but this can actually damage your will. It may lead to the development of unhealthy feelings like believing that you can never have a body like that, or they have more resources than you do! Instead, focus on yourself and how you feel. The only pictures you need are your own before and after! So keep a track on how little by little, you are inching towards your goals. Everyone goes off track once in a while, don’t beat yourself up for it. Get up and continue right where you left.

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