Ways To Prevent Typhoid This Monsoon


Monsoon showers delight and cheerfulness but also brings about a wave of infectious diseases. It provides a moist environment that is favorable for the growth of a variety of bacteria and other microbes. Typhoid fever is one of many such diseases which are widely prevalent during the rainy season. Typhoid is a bacterial infection that affects the intestine.

Typhoid fever is a form of infection that arises due to Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi bacteria. It is a communicable disease that can be transmitted through contaminated water, food, and close contact. When one consumes something contaminated with these microbes, the microorganisms enter the body and travel into digestive organs, and later into the blood. In the blood, they travel to lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and different parts of the body.

Salmonella is said to spread by four Fs which are flies, fingers, feces, and fomites.

-Flies: Various types of flies might sit on infected fetal matter and transmit it to healthy food.
-Fingers: Improper sanitation facilities and inadequate hygiene.
-Feces: Salmonella bacteria is also excreted and is therefore present in the fecal matter of infected individuals.
-Fomites: Objects exposed to the bacteria also contribute to spreading of typhoid fever.

After exposure to the bacteria, the signs and symptoms of typhoid infection such as fever, headache, general ill-feeling, and abdominal pain develop gradually over the period of 10-14 days. As the disease gets worse, high fever, chills and severe diarrhea are more common symptoms. In some cases, there is also development of “rose spots”, which are visible on the neck, chest and abdominal region.

Don’t leave room for doubts!
Consult a doctor in case you see similar symptoms.

Later as the infection progresses, a person may show signs of extreme exhaustion and lie still with the eyes half-closed. This is referred to as the typhoid state. Typhoid may prove to be fatal if left untreated, as it can lead to many complications.

Monsoon further accelerates the rate of transmission and the overall spreading of typhoid fever as the accumulation of water and proximity of sewage promotes growth and overall spreading of various bacteria including Salmonella.

Thus, it is important to ensure that typhoid can be prevented this monsoon by following simple yet practical tips like:

Consume well-cooked food: Eating cooked food while it is still hot, prevents any bacteria from surviving or infecting the food. It should also be ensured that the food to be consumed later is covered.
-Practice good hygiene: Washing of hands before preparing and having meals. Washing of hands after using the restroom.
-Drink clean water: Always consume purified, bottled, or boiled water.
Prevent water accumulation: Collection of water in and around your house must be prevented.
-Waste disposal properly: Ensure that waste is being disposed of in a safe and hygienic manner to avoid spreading the bacteria.
-Vaccination: Getting timely vaccinated against typhoid fever

While typhoid might sound intimidating, with the right preventive measures and with appropriate knowledge and awareness, it can easily be dealt with. Regarding the symptoms mentioned above, it is also important to confirm the presence of Typhoid fever using a test, to decide the course of action and take appropriate measures of treatment so that typhoid symptoms can be alleviated as soon as possible.

Ensure early detection. Book your Widal Test now!

(The article is reviewed by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor)

1. Typhoid [Internet]. World Health Organization; [cited 2023 Jul 13]. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/typhoid
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