Dark Hands And Feet? Try These 6 Natural Remedies Right Away!

Dark Hands and Feet? Try These 6 Natural Remedies Right Away!

Little do you realize this, but your hands and feet are amongst the first to be noticed by anyone you meet for the first time. Surprisingly, they are also the most neglected part of our bodies. With the sunny weather increasing the chances of overall tanning, one must also make a conscious effort to take good care of our hands and feet.

Here are a few natural remedies that you must try to get rid of dark hands and feet.

1 . Raw Milk

It is one of the oldest and most effective natural remedies for dark hands. Raw milk is a rich source of lactic acid, which acts as a bleaching agent and helps to exfoliate the dead skin cells. Consistent use of raw milk helps to lighten the skin gradually. Not only this, it acts as a moisturizer and does not allow the skin to crack and become dry.

-Massage your hands with raw milk every day. Let it stay on the skin surface for at least 20 minutes and rinse it with water.

2 . Cucumber

Cucumber forms an important ingredient in a lot of natural facial packs. Owing to its cooling and relaxing nature, it helps to remove dark spots and smoothes the skin surface.

-Rub cucumber slices on the dark areas for at least 5 minutes and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Let the skin absorb it. Wash it off with water. You may also add lemon juice to it for effective results.

3 . Orange Peel

Oranges are a rich source of Vitamin C, which raises the glutathione levels in the RBCs and therefore lighten the dark pigments in the skin. Vitamin C based products and fruits help in skin lightening and help to remove pigmentation from the skin.

-Dry the orange peels in the sun. Churn them and store them. Each time, take some powdered form of orange peels, add water or milk to it and rub it on the affected areas. Keep it for 20 minutes and wash off after that.

4 . Potato

Potato is enriched with natural bleaching properties (due to the presence of an enzyme called catecholase) and is effective in reducing pigmentation and dark spots on the skin.

-Slice potato and rub it on the dark regions of your hands and feet. It shall instantly give you results. Rinse it off after a while.

5 . Gram Flour (Besan)

Gram Flour is a must have ingredient in all the grandma’s recipes for the skin. Rich in several nutrients, it helps to soothen the skin texture and also helps to remove the tan.

-To a teaspoon of gram flour, you can add a pinch of turmeric and a few drops of rosewater. Apply this pack on your hands and feet and rub it off slowly before it dries.

6 . Tomato

Alike potato, tomato too has bleaching properties and therefore helps to lighten the epidermal layer of the skin. It also balances the pH level of the skin and makes the skin look brighter.

Squeeze the pulp of the tomato and rub it on your hands and feet. Wait until it dries completely and rinse it off.

So go ahead and try these natural remedies to keep your hands and feet as pretty as your face. Stay Happy, Stay Healthy!

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