5 Herbal Teas To Boost Your Immunity This Monsoon Season

5 Herbal Teas To Boost Your Immunity This Monsoon Season

The sultry winds and pleasant splashes of monsoon are also infamous for creating havoc in our immunity system. As a result, most of us tend to fall sick during the season. Break free from the pattern this monsoon by adopting the easiest way to increase your immunity, herbal teas. The joy of sitting on your balcony and enjoying the monsoon can be doubled when combined with a steaming cup of herbal teas.

Here is a list of a few herbal teas, to keep sickness at bay this monsoon. With ingredients available readily in your kitchen, these herbal beverages will prove a boon in boosting your immunity.

Ginger Tea

Ginger has been the panacea for multiple cold related problems since times immemorial. Ginger is not only good for your stomach but it also improves blood circulation. It helps in clearing the respiratory tract and can also be the solution to several allergies.

Preparing ginger tea is no herculean task. All you need to do is add some ginger root to boiling water and cover it for a while. A tinge of lemon afterwards and your tea is ready.

Honey and Rose Tea

A great supply of Vitamin C, this drink promises to protect you throughout monsoon. Rose and honey tea can also cure the problems of a sore throat and diarrhoea, both common problems in the rainy season.

To make this tea, add a few rose petals to boiling water. After 5-6 seconds, shut the gas. Allow it to infuse till the water turns a darker shade. The strain put in honey, and you are good to go.

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Peppermint Tea

Peppermint isn’t just refreshing, it also improves digestion, eliminates inflammation, reduces pain, cures bad breath and improves immunity system. Peppermint has a component called menthol which helps bring down fever.

Peppermint tea can be made in a matter of few minutes. Properly crush 6-7 peppermint leaves and put them in a cup. Pour hot (not boiling) water into the cup and let it stay for 7-12 minutes. Take out the leaves and that’s it.

Green Tea

Consuming green tea is an admirable habit all year round but during monsoon, it becomes a necessity. Rich in antioxidants, green tea helps the body exponentially in fighting diseases. It aids the body system in flushing out harmful toxins and making you healthier.

To enjoy green tea this monsoon, take a teaspoon of tea leaves and put it in a strainer. Place a cup under the strainer and pour hot water into it. Your ideal tea is ready!

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is your ideal companion this monsoon, to beat stress and get good sleep. It has properties that help you relax and avoid stress fevers. It also helps fight the common cold and enhances digestive system.

While Chamomile Tea can be brewed with dried Chamomile flowers, it is more convenient to opt for Chamomile tea bags which are readily available in the market. Infuse the tea bag into a cup of boiling water, let it stay there for five minutes and as it is, Your Chamomile tea is ready for consumption.

A small quantity of honey or sugar can be added to these herbal teas for an improved taste, It is recommended to intake them without any added ingredient for better benefits.



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