10 Simple Ways To Control Hair Fall

tips to control hair fall

Hair fall is quite a common problem these days. There are numerous causes of hair fall right from lack of essential nutrients to an underlying or long-standing health problem. So first you need to rule out the causes and make sure you are not losing hair due to male or female pattern balding or due to any illness or trauma. You can go to a hair specialist to find out the exact cause and nature.

Once it is certain that excessive hair fall is a phase you are going through due to lifestyle changes, then you can try to prevent and control hair fall with these simple grooming tricks and traditional hair care techniques. Here are a few tips on how to control hair fall and keep your hair strong and healthy.

1. Apply oil regularly to your hair.

Studies prove that oils play a vital role in protecting the hair from damage. Use of oil on a regular basis can prevent dirt and toxins from entering into the follicle. Moreover, applying oil not only enhances lubrication of the shaft but also prevents hair breakage.

A study[1] done to determine the efficacy of oils on hair revealed that coconut oil is the best as it reduces the loss of proteins from the hair (damaged as well as undamaged) when used as a pre and post-wash grooming product.

Another study[1] proved that mineral oil also acts as an effective hair care product and prevents hair damage. Mineral oil spreads all over the hair surface thereby improving gloss, ability to comb easily and reducing the formation of split ends, all of which improves overall hair fall control.

Also Read: Hibiscus Leaves for Hair

2. Massage your scalp.

Gone are the age-old days when champi every week was a routine in most Indian households. A gentle scalp massage occasionally can help you to fix your hair fall problems. Moreover, it also eases stress which forms an integral part of the current hectic lifestyle, helping you to minimize its effects on the overall health including hair fall.

Studies[2] have shown that gentle scalp massage can promote blood circulation in the scalp area and improve hair thickness. Moreover, massaging your scalp every time you wash your hair can promote hair growth and help you to control hair fall.

3. Say no to tight hairstyles.

One of the simplest ways to control hair fall is to avoid common grooming mistakes such as sporting tight hairstyles.

It is reported [1,3] that stretching the hair too much can affect the flexibility of the hair strand and lead to permanent damage of the hair. This is why exerting too much of pressure when pulling the hair into a pony or tight braid can loosen the bond between the hair and scalp and lead to breakage and thinning of hair over time.

4. Avoid the use of hair straighteners and products.

It is also proved that the use of hair styling products and tools can cause hair breakage and lead to hair fall. Also, the use of chemical products such as bleaches and hair dyes can weaken hair and increase friction between the hair fibres, which leads to breakage. The same applies to hair treated with cosmetics, use of hair dryers and exposure to sunlight, which increases the risk of split ends.

5. Do not comb aggressively.

Lack of proper care during combing is one of the common reasons for hair fall. If your hair is weak, frizzy, rough and dull, then it can lead to tangled hair and make it difficult to comb.

Hair tangles created due to combing wet as well as dry hair can lead to hair breakage. When you comb dry hair, it causes short segment breaks, which lead to split ends. Combing wet hair causes long segment breaks, which are related to hair breakage.

It is revealed[1] that oil treatment before combing wet hair can reduce the force while combing, thus minimizing the risk of split ends and hair breakage. Also, use of wide-toothed combs and brushes with rounded tips[3] is advised because it can prevent hair fall.

6. Eat a healthy diet.

The role of a healthy diet in promoting hair growth and controlling hair fall cannot be undermined. Most of us are aware of the fact that nutritional deficiencies can lead to hair loss. Hence, ensure that you eat a diet rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals along with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to prevent hair damage.

7. Take nutritional supplements.

It is reported[4] that supplementation of nutrients such as iron, zinc, niacin, selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 can make your hair strong and healthy. However, do consult a trichologist or a dermatologist to know if the hair fall is due to nutritional deficiencies and decide the right dose of the supplements for positive results. Also, discuss with your doctor if you are already taking any supplements to prevent overdose.

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8. Load up on antioxidants.

The presence of toxins in the body can lead to hair fall. But eating foods rich in antioxidants can help to reduce the toxic load, which can trigger hair fall and hair loss. Also, a diet rich in antioxidants can help fight oxidative stress, which can damage the hair follicles. Hence, load up on your intake of antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, spinach, oranges, and beans to prevent hair fall.

9. Avoid crash dieting.

Crash diets are always a popular fad thanks to their weight loss claims. However, these types of diets can lead to hair fall. It is reported that a rigorous diet restriction seen during crash dieting can lead to an inadequate supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, which leads to telogen effluvium (TE). It is a condition that causes excessive shedding of hair and can even be seen after 3-4 months after the triggering event.

Chronic starvation can lead to abnormalities in the hair shaft, triggering hair fall. It results in dry, lusterless, thinning hair and hair which can be plucked easily.

10. Quit smoking.

The ill-effects of smoking on overall health is well-known. However, the effects of smoking on hair are not known. Smoking can cause premature ageing of the hair cells. This, in turn, can make the follicles brittle and thin, causing the hair follicles to break easily. Smoking also causes the buildup of toxins, which can damage the hair follicles. So if you want to control hair fall and prevent hair loss, then speak to your doctor about smoking cessation and products that can help you kick the butt.

If these methods don’t work you may need to consult a dermatologist. **Consult India’s best doctors here**

Also remember that stress is one of the key factors, which leads to hair fall [9]. It affects both sexes at any age. Stress affects the biological clock within the hair follicles which causes numerous hair follicles to enter the telogen phase or hair fall phase. It occurs around three months after a trigger or stressful condition. Hence, it is important to avoid stress or learn to cope with stress.

Also, read Top 11 Natural Hair Fall Solutions – Do They Really Work?


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