Obesity Found To Be Linked With Developmental Delays In Children

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Children born to obese parents found to be at an increased risk of developmental delays, study suggests

-In the study, conducted by Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute, the developmental timeline of the children born to obese parents was evaluated.

-The study included 4,821 children from 4 months old to the age of 3, and studied the effect of obese parents on the children. The study focused to track the growth, motor and social development of the children.

-The parents answered questionnaires to understand the development progress of the child during his early years.

-Children born to obese mothers faced difficulty using their small muscles (such as that in hands and fingers) whereas those born to obese fathers were at an increased risk of failing at several social and personal activities such as feeding themselves, playing and even undressing themselves.

-Further investigations are required to validate and support these findings with relevant reasoning.

-Findings were published in the Journal of Pediatrics

Source: Journal of Pediatrics 

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