Emphasizing The Use Of Antibiotics for Confirmed Infections


The importance of the appropriate use of antibiotics to ensure the best possible treatment outcomes while reducing the emergence of antibiotic resistance is a priority. Using caution while prescribing antibiotics for confirmed infections is still an essential part of patient care in the ever-changing world of healthcare.

In this era of abundant information, self-diagnosis and self-medication have become prevalent. There has been a trend seen that many people are popping antibiotics as OTC (Over-the-counter) drugs [1]. On the other hand, self-prescribing antibiotics is necessary when an infection is verified.

This article emphasizes how important it is to draw attention to antibiotics in response to confirmed infections.

Let us have a look at a few points why antibiotics should only be taken in case of confirmed infections:

1. Timely Intervention At The Time Of Confirmed Infection: Time becomes an important resource when an illness is confirmed. The timely application of antibiotics is often the primary means of preventing the spread of an infection and its dangerous consequences. Stressing how important it is to act quickly is essential since postponing treatment could worsen the infection and compromise the patient’s prognosis.

2. Tailoring Antibiotic Regimens to Pathogens: Using antibiotics effectively requires a tailored strategy considering the particular pathogens causing the infection. It is crucial to use precise diagnostic techniques to accurately identify the causative agent and customize antibiotic regimens targeting the germs [2].

3. Avoiding Inappropriate Antibiotic Usage: Inappropriate antibiotic utilization can result in a spectrum of complications. It may not only fail to treat the infection effectively but also contribute to adverse effects such as allergic reactions, gastrointestinal issues, and the emergence of drug-resistant strains.

4. Avoiding Antibiotic Resistance: The wider field of public health is affected by the cautious use of antibiotics, which extends beyond the treatment of individual patients. Overreliance on and inappropriate use of antibiotics is a major contributor to the worldwide problem of antibiotic resistance. To combat the emergence of resistant bacterial strains, it is imperative to stress the importance of finishing prescribed antibiotic courses and abstaining from unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions [3].

Always consult a doctor before self-prescribing a medication
Consult A Doctor

Wise use of antibiotics encourages a future where these vital medications continue to serve as effective tools in the ongoing battle against infectious diseases. Combating antibiotic resistance requires promoting and increasing public knowledge of the appropriate use of antibiotics. We can safeguard both individual and public health by accepting the role that antibiotics play in treating proven infections and working together to ensure their ethical use.

(The article is written by Simran Suri, Assistant Team Lead, and reviewed by Dr.Subita Alagh, Senior Executive)

1. Adhikari B, Pokharel S, Raut S, Why do people purchase antibiotics over-the-counter? A qualitative study with patients [Updated: 2021]
2. Leekha S, Terrell CL, Edson RS. General principles of antimicrobial therapy. [Updated 2011].
3. Habboush Y, Guzman N. Antibiotic Resistance. [Updated 2023 Jun 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. [Updated: 2023].

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