Vidarikand a perennial herb which is commonly known as Indian Kudzu. The tubers (roots) of this rejuvenating herb are mostly used as an immunity booster and restorative tonic. Roots of Vidarikand helps to increase the flow of mother’s milk and also increases both quality and quantity of semen in males that increase its count and mobility due to its spermatogenic property. Edible tubers of Vidarikand are also used to manage chest pain, rheumatism, and fever.
Taking it with milk after meals will provide you with maximum benefits.
Incorporating Vidarikand in your diet rejuvenates skin and increases glow[2][3].
Taking it with milk after meals will provide you with maximum benefits.
Incorporating Vidarikand in your diet rejuvenates skin and increases glow[2][3].
What are the synonyms of Vidarikand?
Pueraria tuberosa, Bhumikushumanda, Bhedeleton, Bhuikumra, Vidarikanta, Bhonykoru, Eagio, Bhoikolu, Sakharvel, Vidarikanda, Nelagumbala Gudde, Nelagumbala, Gumadi belli, Nelagumbula, Mudakku, Bhuikohala, Ghodvel, Bhuiankakharu, Nilapoosani, Nelagummuda, Darigummadi, Kudzu, Vidarika[1].
What is the source of Vidarikand?
Plant Based
Benefits of Vidarikand

Modern Science View
Vidarikand helps in reducing alcohol consumption due to its antioxidant properties. It fights against the free radicals (coming from alcohol) which prevents cell damage. Research suggests that heavy drinkers who take Vidarikand are found to consume less alcohol[4][11].

Ayurvedic View
Alcoholism refers to an addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disorder in which a person is unable to refrain from frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol for physical or psychological reasons. In Ayurveda, Alcoholism can be referred to as Madatyaya. All types of alcoholism are Tridoshaja and the dosha that is predominant is treated first. In Alcoholism, Oja kshaya (weakened immunity) is also a major complication. Vidarikand can help reduce the symptoms of Alcoholism. Taking Vidarikand helps to increase Oja and also balances the aggravated dosha (if Vata-Pitta aggravated) because of its Rasayana and Vata-Pitta balancing nature.
Tip for using Vidarikand to reduce alcohol intake:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food twice a day.
Tip for using Vidarikand to reduce alcohol intake:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food twice a day.

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Vidarikand in preventing chest pain during a procedure called percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA).

Modern Science View
Vidarikand might be useful in managing Coronary heart disease due to its antioxidant property. The antioxidants present in Vidarikand fight against the free radicals. This prevents the formation of blood clots which improves the flow of blood to the heart, thereby reducing damage to the heart and subsequently the risk of Coronary heart disease[4][7].

Modern Science View
Vidarikand might help manage Diabetes due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce the blood sugar levels and also prevents damage to pancreatic cells, which leads to enhanced insulin secretion and sensitivity[4-6].

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand helps manage normal blood sugar levels in the body because of its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property. It helps prevent the damage to pancreatic cells and enhances insulin secretion which gets impaired due to the accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the body.
Tip to take Vidarikand to manage Diabetes-
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food twice a day to help manage diabetes.
Tip to take Vidarikand to manage Diabetes-
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food twice a day to help manage diabetes.

Modern Science View
Vidarikand possess antioxidant property and helps protect the kidney against damage. This helps in the management of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage due to diabetes) The antioxidant property of Vidarikand removes free radicals from our body and improves oxygen exchange in the kidney cells[9][10].

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Vidarikand in diabetic retinopathy.

Modern Science View
Vidarikand promotes physical strength due to its ability to stimulate growth hormones. It also helps in improving chest circumference, muscular strength, and body weight[4][9].

Modern Science View
Vidarikand might help manage high blood pressure due to its antioxidant property. The antioxidant property of Vidarikand helps remove free radicals from the body which prevents damage to blood vessels. It can also reduce blood pressure by widening the blood vessels and improving blood flow[4][5].

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Vidarikand in case of stroke.

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Vidarikand in low back pain.

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Vidarikand in managing Menopausal symptoms. However, a study suggests that Vidarikand might help reduce hot flashes and improve dryness in the vaginal area[4].

Ayurvedic View
Menopause is a stage of physical and mental transformation for women. The body shows symptoms related to both physical as well as mental health. The more serious symptoms, such as frequent hot flashes, continual sleep disturbance and moderate to severe mood swings, are signs of deeper imbalances that, if left untreated, will persist to set the stage for later disease. Ayurveda describes that certain stubborn symptoms are usually due to the buildup of toxins and also an imbalance of doshas especially Vata. Using Vidarikand helps to reduce the symptoms of Menopause by removing toxins and balancing Vata because of its Rasayana and Vata balancing nature.
Tip to use Vidarikand to provide relief from the symptoms of Menopause-
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after meals twice a day.
Tip to use Vidarikand to provide relief from the symptoms of Menopause-
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after meals twice a day.

Modern Science View
Vidarikand helps reduce the risk of a Heart attack due to its antioxidant property. It also has cardioprotective activity that provides protection against strokes. Certain substances present in Vidarikand induce relaxation of blood vessels and increases blood circulation in the arteries. This helps widen the blood vessels which helps lower blood pressure and consequently reduces the risk of Heart attacks[5][8].

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Vidarikand in case of Flu.

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand helps reduce the symptoms of the Flu. In Ayurveda, flu or influenza is known as Vata Shleshmika Jwara. Flu is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. According to Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha get disturbed during the seasonal changes which leads to flu. Vidarikand helps to reduce the symptoms of flu and fights against seasonal changes due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.
Tip to use Vidarikand to get relief from the symptoms of the Flu:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm after meals twice a day.
Tip to use Vidarikand to get relief from the symptoms of the Flu:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm after meals twice a day.

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Vidarikand in Muscle pain.

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand is useful in managing Muscle pain or fatigue in day to day life. Taking Vidarikand powder helps reduce Muscle pain and gives relief from associated symptoms because of its Balya (strength providing) and Vata balancing properties.
Tip to use Vidarikand to get relief from Muscle pain:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after meals twice a day.
Tip to use Vidarikand to get relief from Muscle pain:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after meals twice a day.

Modern Science View
Vidarikand helps in managing Stomach inflammation (gastritis) due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It helps in reducing pain and inflammation in the stomach by reducing the production of certain inflammation-causing chemicals. It also inhibits the production of gastric acid in the stomach and gives relief from acidity[10].

Ayurvedic View
The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process. When there is excessive production of acid in the stomach, it results in a condition known as acidity. In Ayurveda, the main cause of acidity is aggravated Pitta dosha. When the stomach acid causes inflammation of the inner layer of the stomach, it is known as gastritis. Using Vidarikand helps to balance the aggravated Pitta and calms the symptoms of gastritis because of its Sita (cold) nature. It also prevents damage to the inner layer of the stomach because of its Rasayana property.
Tip to use Vidarikand to get relief from Stomach inflammation:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with milk after meals twice a day.
Tip to use Vidarikand to get relief from Stomach inflammation:
1. Take 2-3 gm (or as directed by a physician) of Vidarikand powder.
2. Swallow it with milk after meals twice a day.

Modern Science View
According to a study, Vidarikand reduces body fat and body mass index (BMI) due to its anti-inflammatory properties. A constituent present in Vidarikand reduces the effect of inflammatory genes that induce inflammation[7].
How effective is Vidarikand?
Likely effective
Alcohol addiction
Insufficient evidence
Angina (heart-related chest pain), Athletic performance, Coronary artery disease, Diabetes, Diabetic eye disease, Diabetic kidney disease, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Acid reflux), Heart attack, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Influenza (flu), Low back pain, Menopausal symptoms, Muscle pain, Stroke, Weight loss
FAQs about Vidarikand benefits
Precautions when using Vidarikand
Advice from Experts

Modern Science View
Vidarikand might interfere with blood sugar levels during before and after surgery. So it is advisable to take Vidarikand at least 14 days before surgery[4].

Modern Science View
Certain studies have shown that taking Vidarikand might cause allergic reactions[4].

Modern Science View
Since enough scientific evidence is not available, it is advisable to avoid or consult your doctor before taking Vidarikand during breastfeeding[4].
Moderate Medicine Interaction

Modern Science View
Vidarikand might show moderate interact with birth control pills. Vidarikand shows activity similar to estrogen which is an important constituent of birth control pills. Taking Vidarikand along with birth control pills might lower the effect of these pills. So it is generally advisable to consult a physician before taking Vidarikand with birth control pills[4].
Patients with diabetes

Modern Science View
Vidarikand may lower blood sugar levels. So, it is generally advisable to monitor your blood sugar level while taking Vidarikand with anti-diabetic drugs[4].
Patients with heart disease

Modern Science View
Vidarikand may interact with cardiovascular drugs. So, it is generally advisable to consult your doctor while taking Vidarikand with cardiovascular drugs[4].
Patients with liver disease

Modern Science View
Vidarikand may cause liver damage or worsen conditions like hepatitis. So it advisable to consult a doctor before using Vidarikand in patients with liver diseases[4].

Modern Science View
Since enough scientific evidence is not available, it is advisable to avoid or consult your doctor before taking Vidarikand during pregnancy[4].
Side Effects

Modern Science View
1. Headache
2. Fever
3. Dizziness[4].
2. Fever
3. Dizziness[4].
severe medicine interaction

Modern Science View
Vidarikand slows blood clotting due to which it can worsen blood clotting disorders and also interfere with medications used in the treatment of bleeding or blood clotting disorders[4].
Recommended Dosage of Vidarikand
- Vidarikand Powder - 2-3gm twice a day or as directed by the doctor.
- Vidarikand Capsule - 1 capsule twice a day or as directed by the doctor.
- Vidarikand Tablet - 1 tablet twice a day or as directed by the doctor.
How to use Vidarikand
1. Vidarikand Powder
a. Take 2-3gm of Vidarikand powder or as directed by the doctor.
b. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food twice a day.
2. Vidarikand Capsule
a. Take 1 capsule or as directed by the doctor.
b. Swallow it with milk or water twice a day after taking food.
3. Vidarikand Tablet
a. Take 1 tablet a day as directed by the doctor.
b. Swallow it with milk or water twice a day after taking food.
a. Take 2-3gm of Vidarikand powder or as directed by the doctor.
b. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food twice a day.
2. Vidarikand Capsule
a. Take 1 capsule or as directed by the doctor.
b. Swallow it with milk or water twice a day after taking food.
3. Vidarikand Tablet
a. Take 1 tablet a day as directed by the doctor.
b. Swallow it with milk or water twice a day after taking food.
Benefits of Vidarikand
1. Wound healing
Vidarikand helps in quick healing of wounds, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin due to its Ropan (healing) property. It also reduces inflammation and provides a cooling effect due to its Sita (cold) nature.
Tip to use Vidarikand to promote wound healing:
a. Take 1-2 teaspoons of Vidarikand powder or as per your requirement.
b. Mix with water or coconut oil and make a paste.
c. Apply the paste on the affected area once or twice a day to promote wound healing.
Vidarikand helps in quick healing of wounds, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin due to its Ropan (healing) property. It also reduces inflammation and provides a cooling effect due to its Sita (cold) nature.
Tip to use Vidarikand to promote wound healing:
a. Take 1-2 teaspoons of Vidarikand powder or as per your requirement.
b. Mix with water or coconut oil and make a paste.
c. Apply the paste on the affected area once or twice a day to promote wound healing.
Precautions when using Vidarikand

Modern Science View
Certain studies have shown that taking Vidarikand might cause allergic reactions[4].
Side Effects

Modern Science View
Skin Itchiness[4]
Recommended Dosage of Vidarikand
- Vidarikand Powder - ½ - 1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
How to use Vidarikand
1. Vidarikand Powder
a. Take ½ -1 teaspoon of Vidarikand powder.
b. Add honey to it and apply evenly on the face and neck.
c. Let it sit for 5-8 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
e. Use this remedy 1-2 times a week to improve your skin complexion.
2. Vidarikand Paste
a. Take ½ - 1 teaspoon of Vidarikand powder.
b. Mix it with some water to make a paste.
c. Apply the paste on the affected area.
d. Let it sit for 1-2 hours.
e. Use this remedy once a day to get rid of pain and inflammation.
a. Take ½ -1 teaspoon of Vidarikand powder.
b. Add honey to it and apply evenly on the face and neck.
c. Let it sit for 5-8 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
e. Use this remedy 1-2 times a week to improve your skin complexion.
2. Vidarikand Paste
a. Take ½ - 1 teaspoon of Vidarikand powder.
b. Mix it with some water to make a paste.
c. Apply the paste on the affected area.
d. Let it sit for 1-2 hours.
e. Use this remedy once a day to get rid of pain and inflammation.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Atheroma is the fatty deposition in the arteries. Vidarikand prevents the deposition of fatty acids in arteries due to its clotting activity[5].

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidarikand is considered to be beneficial in improving sexual performance due to its aphrodisiac activity. It increases the levels of the hormone testosterone in men which helps improve the production of sperm[13].

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand is useful in reducing the symptoms of sexual weakness and improves sexual health. Sexual dysfunction in men can be in the form of loss of libido i.e., having no inclination towards a sexual act, decreased erection time or lesser semen expelled after sexual activity (this is also referred to as ‘early discharge or premature ejaculation). Taking Vidarikand helps to maintain a healthy sexual life and reduces the symptoms of sexual weakness like erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation due to its Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property.

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Vidarikand in joint pain and swelling. However, it might help manage pain and inflammation due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties[6][10].

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidarikand is useful in cuts and wounds. Applying Vidarikand root paste might help in managing wounds due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce the pain and inflammation associated with cuts and wounds[14].

Modern Science View
There are studies which show that oral use of Vidarikand may cause stomach upset, vaginal dryness and dizziness if not taken in proper doses. So it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking Vidarikand orally[4].

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand takes time to get digested due to its Guru (heavy) nature. So if someone has weak digestion, Vidarikand can cause stomach problems like heaviness in the abdomen.

Modern Science View
Diabetes medications are used to decrease the level of blood sugar and Vidarikand also has the property of decreasing blood sugar. So taking Vidarikand along with diabetes medicines might cause blood sugar levels to go too low that may be harmful for health. So it is advisable for diabetics to use Vidarikand as per physician's advice[4].

Modern Science View
Vidarikand has properties similar to estrogen (female sex hormone). In women with hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroid, the use of Vidarikand may further worsen the conditions. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a physician before taking Vidarikand[4].

Modern Science View
Vidarikand possesses growth hormone inducing and nootropic properties. This growth hormone may help in promoting weight gain and physical strength of the body[16].

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand can be used in the following ways:
Vidarikand powder can be consumed half to one teaspoon after taking light food with milk once or twice a day.
Vidarikand capsules are also available in the market that can be used with water or milk once or twice a day.
Vidarikand powder can be consumed half to one teaspoon after taking light food with milk once or twice a day.
Vidarikand capsules are also available in the market that can be used with water or milk once or twice a day.

Ayurvedic View
Vidarikand is an effective herb used to counter weakness-related symptoms in females. It has Balya (strength provider) property which helps to reduce the weakness and improves energy level in females.

Modern Science View
According to traditional medicine system, prevention and management of malnutrition can be done by enhancing the immunity in the child through a properly nutritious diet (food management) and the use of herbal medicine. The Rasayan property of Vidarikand Churna improves general health and immunity[16]. It is known as an important herbal medicine that is used to cure childhood malnutrition[17].

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidarikand might be useful in providing relief from swollen joints. It helps reduce pain and inflammation in joints due to its anti-inflammatory property[12].
Tips to use Vidarikand to get relief from swollen joints:
1. Peel the tuberous roots of Vidarikand.
2. Crush them into a soft, moist mass.
3. Apply on the swollen joints to get relief..
Tips to use Vidarikand to get relief from swollen joints:
1. Peel the tuberous roots of Vidarikand.
2. Crush them into a soft, moist mass.
3. Apply on the swollen joints to get relief..
- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India.Part 1 Volume 1.
- Jain SK, Choudhary GP. A review on phytochemical and pharmacological profiles of Pueraria tuberosa Linn. (Fabaceae). Asian Journal of Ethnopharmacology and Medicinal Foods. 2016;2(3):01-04.
- Dharmapal S, Udayan PS, Raghu AV. In vitro propagation of Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. Tropical Plant Research. 2017;4(3):480–485.
- Malviya A, Gupta R, Porte SM. Critical Review on Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa DC)- An Ayurvedic Herb.International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research.2016;4(2):46-52.
- Puddey IB, Croft KResearch suggests that heavy drinkers or binge drinkers who take kudzu consume less beer when given a chance to drink. But kudzu doesn’t seem to decrease the craving for alcohol or improve sobriety in long-term alcoholics.D, Abdu-Amsha CR, et al.Alcohol, free radicals and antioxidants.Novartis Found Symp.1998;216: 51-62.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.