Alsi or Flax seeds are important oil seeds which are used for various medicinal benefits. It is rich in fibre, carbohydrates, protein and minerals and can be added to various common foods in roasted form. Adding Alsi to water or sprinkling it over salads helps manage various diseases.
According to Ayurveda, adding roasted Alsi seeds to your regular diet (preferably breakfast) helps in weight loss as it helps reduce Ama and thereby improves the digestive fire. Alsi is also useful in the management of constipation as it helps enhances bowel movement due to its laxative property which promotes the easy removal of stool.
Alsi is also considered to be useful for hair as it promotes hair growth and controls dandruff due to its antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Alsi (Flaxseed) might be considered as a useful additive in cosmetics as it is beneficial for skin due to its antibacterial and antioxidant activities. Applying Alsi oil on the skin might help manage skin allergies, skin inflammation and speed up wound healing due to its antioxidant property.
Avoid taking Alsi alone as it might be difficult to digest due to its Guru nature - it should always be taken with water[1][2][34].
According to Ayurveda, adding roasted Alsi seeds to your regular diet (preferably breakfast) helps in weight loss as it helps reduce Ama and thereby improves the digestive fire. Alsi is also useful in the management of constipation as it helps enhances bowel movement due to its laxative property which promotes the easy removal of stool.
Alsi is also considered to be useful for hair as it promotes hair growth and controls dandruff due to its antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Alsi (Flaxseed) might be considered as a useful additive in cosmetics as it is beneficial for skin due to its antibacterial and antioxidant activities. Applying Alsi oil on the skin might help manage skin allergies, skin inflammation and speed up wound healing due to its antioxidant property.
Avoid taking Alsi alone as it might be difficult to digest due to its Guru nature - it should always be taken with water[1][2][34].
What are the synonyms of Alsi?
Linum usitatissimum, Alasi, Teesi, Linseed, Flaxseed, Marshina, Javasu, Alasi, Atasi, Bittu, Neempushpi, Kshuma
What is the source of Alsi?
Plant Based
Benefits of Alsi

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in the prevention and management of constipation. It is due to its laxative property. It increases the volume of stool and stimulates the relaxation and contraction of intestinal muscles. This helps in the easy removal of stool[3][18-20].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi oil is useful for managing constipation. Constipation is caused due to an aggravated Vata Dosha. This can be due to the frequent consumption of junk food, excess intake of coffee or tea, sleeping late at night, stress and depression. All these factors aggravate Vata in the large intestine and cause constipation. Alsi oil helps correct constipation due to its Vata balancing and Rechana (laxative) properties.
1. Take 1-2 teaspoon Alsi seeds or as per your requirement.
2. You can eat either raw or lightly roasted.
3. Take them preferably after meals and chew properly to control constipation.
1. Take 1-2 teaspoon Alsi seeds or as per your requirement.
2. You can eat either raw or lightly roasted.
3. Take them preferably after meals and chew properly to control constipation.

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing diabetes and pre-diabetes in obese individuals. It decreases the level of blood glucose and insulin levels and increases insulin sensitivity[3][5][6].

Ayurvedic View
Diabetes also known as Madhumeha is due to an aggravation of Vata and impaired digestion. Impaired digestion leads to an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the pancreatic cells and impairs the function of insulin. Alsi (Flaxseed) helps to correct impaired digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. This reduces Ama and improves the function of insulin. Alsi also has Tikta (bitter) property and helps to maintain normal blood sugar level

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing high blood pressure due to the presence of fibre, lignans, 𝛼-linoleic acid and arginine. Arginine is required for the production of nitric oxide which is a potent vasodilator. It may lower blood pressure in case of hypertensive patients[3][21][22].

Modern Science View
Alsi may be useful in managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as it is rich in dietary fibre. Insoluble fibre binds with water and increases the intestinal bulk. This may give relief from IBS[3][23].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi helps to control the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). According to Ayurveda, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is also known as Grahani. Grahani is caused by an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Alsi helps to improve Pachak Agni (digestive fire) due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. This helps control the symptoms of IBS.
1. Take 1-2 teaspoon Alsi seeds or as per your requirement.
2. You can eat either raw or lightly roasted.
3. Take them preferably after meals and chew properly to keep better digestion.
1. Take 1-2 teaspoon Alsi seeds or as per your requirement.
2. You can eat either raw or lightly roasted.
3. Take them preferably after meals and chew properly to keep better digestion.

Modern Science View
Alsi may be beneficial in lowering total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in blood. This may be due to the presence of some bioactive components such as 𝛼-linoleic acid, fibre and non-protein content[3][7][8].

Ayurvedic View
High cholesterol is due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Alsi helps to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also helps to remove blockage from the blood vessels by eliminating toxins.

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing heart diseases due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids, fibre and lignans. It lowers total cholesterol and low-density protein (LDL) levels in the blood. This reduces the buildup of plaque in the arteries and irregular heartbeat. Thus it may prevent heart attacks[3][14][15].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases by controlling high cholesterol. High cholesterol is due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Alsi helps to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also helps to remove blockage from the blood vessels by eliminating toxins. This reduces the risk of heart diseases.
1. Take 1/4 cup of Alsi, roast them in a hot pan until crispy.
2. Take half of this roasted Alsi and grind them.
3. Mix both whole and grinded Alsi together.
4. Add 1 cup chilled yogurt.
5. Add 1 teaspoon honey or as per your requirement.
6. Add 1 medium size sliced banana on top of the smoothie.
7. Have this in breakfast to reduce the risk of heart problems.
1. Take 1/4 cup of Alsi, roast them in a hot pan until crispy.
2. Take half of this roasted Alsi and grind them.
3. Mix both whole and grinded Alsi together.
4. Add 1 cup chilled yogurt.
5. Add 1 teaspoon honey or as per your requirement.
6. Add 1 medium size sliced banana on top of the smoothie.
7. Have this in breakfast to reduce the risk of heart problems.

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi may be useful in managing enlarged prostate[3].

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in reducing the risk of breast cancer. It inhibits the proliferation and expression of breast cancer cells[3][12][13].

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be beneficial in managing colorectal cancer due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and lignin. It inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and protects the normal neighbouring cells[3][16][17].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in reducing the risk of lung cancer[3].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be slightly useful in managing menstrual symptoms[3][25].

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing prostate cancer due to the presence of lignans. It inhibits the growth and proliferation of prostate cancer cells[3][26][27].

Modern Science View
Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing weight. Alsi is rich in soluble and insoluble fibre that combines with water and digestive juices. This increases gastric content, the time food remains in the stomach and also promotes the feeling of fullness. It may also decrease the absorption of some nutrients which in turn may reduce fat accumulation[3][28][29].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi helps to manage weight when added in the daily diet. An increase in weight is due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle which leads to a weak digestive fire. This increases accumulation of Ama causing an imbalance in meda dhatu. Alsi helps to correct digestive fire and reduce Ama due to its Ushna(hot) nature which is responsible for weight gain.
1. Take 1/4 cup of Alsi, roast them in a hot pan until crispy.
2. Take half of this roasted Alsi and grind them.
3. Mix both whole and grinded Alsi together.
4. Add 1 cup chilled yogurt.
5. Add 1 teaspoon honey or as per your requirement.
6. Add 1 medium size sliced banana on top of the smoothie.
7. Have this in breakfast to manage weight.
1. Take 1/4 cup of Alsi, roast them in a hot pan until crispy.
2. Take half of this roasted Alsi and grind them.
3. Mix both whole and grinded Alsi together.
4. Add 1 cup chilled yogurt.
5. Add 1 teaspoon honey or as per your requirement.
6. Add 1 medium size sliced banana on top of the smoothie.
7. Have this in breakfast to manage weight.

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing Endometrial cancer[3].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder due to the presence of certain fatty acids[3][30].
How effective is Alsi?
Likely effective
Diabetes, High cholesterol
Likely ineffective
Insufficient evidence
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Breast cancer, Cancer of colon and rectum, Constipation, Endometrial cancer, Heart disease, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Irritable bowel syndrome, Lung cancer, Menopausal symptoms, Obesity, Prostate cancer
Precautions when using Alsi

Modern Science View
Avoid taking Alsi during Breastfeeding[2].
Other Interaction

Modern Science View
Alsi may decrease the blood clotting. So it generally advised to consult your doctor while taking Alsi with other anticoagulants drugs[2].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi could block the intestines due to the bulk-forming effects due to Guru(heavy) nature so it should be taken with plenty of water to prevent this from happening.

Ayurvedic View
Alsi seeds should not be taken as a whole as these are complex to digest due to Guru(heavy) by our digestive system. Grinding is the first step which has to be accomplished before adding them to any dish.
Patients with diabetes

Modern Science View
Alsi may lower the blood sugar level. So it is generally advised to monitor your blood sugar level while taking Alsi with anti diabetic drugs[2].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi may lower the blood sugar level due to its Tikta(bitter) property. So it is generally advised to monitor your blood sugar level while taking Alsi with antidiabetic drugs.
Patients with heart disease

Modern Science View
Alsi may lower the blood pressure. So it is generally advised to monitor your blood pressure level while taking Alsi with with anti hypertensive drugs[2].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi may lower the blood pressure due to its Vata balancing property. So it is generally advised to monitor your blood pressure level while taking Alsi with antihypertensive drugs.

Modern Science View
Avoid taking Alsi during Pregnancy[2].

Ayurvedic View
Also should not be taken during pregnancy because of its Ushna(hot) potency.
Recommended Dosage of Alsi
- Alsi Powder - ½ -1 teaspoon twice a day.
- Alsi Capsule - 1-2 capsules once or twice a day.
- Alsi Oil - 1-2 teaspoon once a day.
How to use Alsi
1. Alsi (Flaxseed) Powder
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon Alsi seed powder
b. Add 1 glass of warm water
c. Have it after lunch and dinner
2. Alsi (Flaxseed) oil capsule
a. Take 1-2 Alsi (Flaxseed) oil capsule.
b. Swallow with water after taking food.
3. Alsi (Flaxseed) oil
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Alsi (Flaxseed) oil.
b. Mix with hot water or milk.
c. Have it at night before sleeping.
4. Alsi (Flaxseed)
A. For Cold and Cough
a. Soak 1-2 teaspoon of Alsi seeds overnight in a glassful of water.
b. Squeeze ½ lemon to it and drink empty stomach next morning.
c. Use this remedy to get rid of Cold, cough, flu, and sore throat[4].
B. For Better Digestion
Eat raw or light roasted Alsi seeds 1-2 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
Take them preferably after meals and chew properly for better digestion
5. Alsi Tea
a. Take 1 cup of water in a pan and bring it to boil.
b. Add 1 cup of milk and 1 teaspoon of tea to it and boil on the medium flame for 4-5 mins.
c. Also add 1 teaspoon of Alsi seed powder to it.
d. Enjoy the refreshing tea with goodness of Alsi[4].
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon Alsi seed powder
b. Add 1 glass of warm water
c. Have it after lunch and dinner
2. Alsi (Flaxseed) oil capsule
a. Take 1-2 Alsi (Flaxseed) oil capsule.
b. Swallow with water after taking food.
3. Alsi (Flaxseed) oil
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Alsi (Flaxseed) oil.
b. Mix with hot water or milk.
c. Have it at night before sleeping.
4. Alsi (Flaxseed)
A. For Cold and Cough
a. Soak 1-2 teaspoon of Alsi seeds overnight in a glassful of water.
b. Squeeze ½ lemon to it and drink empty stomach next morning.
c. Use this remedy to get rid of Cold, cough, flu, and sore throat[4].
B. For Better Digestion
Eat raw or light roasted Alsi seeds 1-2 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
Take them preferably after meals and chew properly for better digestion
5. Alsi Tea
a. Take 1 cup of water in a pan and bring it to boil.
b. Add 1 cup of milk and 1 teaspoon of tea to it and boil on the medium flame for 4-5 mins.
c. Also add 1 teaspoon of Alsi seed powder to it.
d. Enjoy the refreshing tea with goodness of Alsi[4].
Benefits of Alsi

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be useful in managing skin infections. This is due to its antibacterial and antioxidant property[34].

Ayurvedic View
1. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Alsi oil.
2. Directly apply on the affected area once or twice a day to manage skin problems.
1. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Alsi oil.
2. Directly apply on the affected area once or twice a day to manage skin problems.
How effective is Alsi?
Insufficient evidence
Skin infections
FAQs about Alsi benefits
Precautions when using Alsi

Ayurvedic View
Alsi(flaxseed) should be used with rose water if your skin is hypersensitive because of its Ushna(hot) potency.
Recommended Dosage of Alsi
- Alsi Powder - ½ - 1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
How to use Alsi
1. Alsi seed Powder Facepack
a. Take ½ - 1 teaspoon of Alsi seed powder.
b. Add rose water to it.
c. Apply evenly on the face and neck.
d. Let it to sit for 5-7 minutes.
e. After about 7 to 10 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water.
f. Pat dry with a towel and apply moisturizer.
a. Take ½ - 1 teaspoon of Alsi seed powder.
b. Add rose water to it.
c. Apply evenly on the face and neck.
d. Let it to sit for 5-7 minutes.
e. After about 7 to 10 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water.
f. Pat dry with a towel and apply moisturizer.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Alsi is a rich source of sugar, Fructose, Linamarine, Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Kempherol, Sitosterol, Plenyl propanoid glycoside. These constituents of Alsi are responsible for its pharmacological properties such as anti diabetic, anti hypertensive, gastroprotective and wound healing activities.

Modern Science View
Alsi is available in the market under various product form such as:
1. Seeds
2. Oil
3. Capsule
They are available under various brands such as Keva, NutroActive, 24Mantra, Rich Millet, Total activation, Sri sri tatva, Organic India, Nature’s way, etc. You can choose the brand and product according to your liking and requirement.
1. Seeds
2. Oil
3. Capsule
They are available under various brands such as Keva, NutroActive, 24Mantra, Rich Millet, Total activation, Sri sri tatva, Organic India, Nature’s way, etc. You can choose the brand and product according to your liking and requirement.

Modern Science View
Yes, Alsi (Flaxseed) have a number of health benefits due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fibre. It has potent antioxidant and anti-cancer activity and is also beneficial in managing diabetes and high cholesterol[5-11].

Modern Science View
Yes, Alsi (Flaxseed) is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that acts as natural blood thinners[32].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may affect hormone metabolism in postmenopausal women. It may reduce the level of estradiol and increase the level of prolactin in the blood[33].

Modern Science View
Yes, Alsi might help in protecting against radiation as it has photoprotective effects. Ultraviolet light has the potential to damage body cells by destroying the natural antioxidant defence system of the body. Alsi contains a high amount of antioxidants(polyphenolic compounds e.g. lignans) which helps to fight against free radical-mediated cell damage (apoptosis) and protects the body against radiation[40].

Modern Science View
Alsi is beneficial for arteries as it contains certain constituents(lignans) which helps reduce triglycerides as well as bad cholesterol(LDL) levels and increase good cholesterol(HDL) levels. Thereby reducing the risk of arterial blockage[39].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi is beneficial for arteries as it helps to remove the toxins which accumulate due to weak or poor digestion in the form of Ama (toxin remains in the body due to incomplete digestion) in arteries. The Ushna (hot) and Rechana (laxative) properties of Alsi helps manage this condition by improving digestion and excrete out accumulated toxins from the body.

Modern Science View
Yes, Alsi might help manage carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of the hand characterised by pain, numbness, reduced the flow of blood to hand, tingling and inflammation. Topical application of Alsi seed oil gel, twice a day for 3 weeks helps to reduce these symptoms due to the presence of certain constituents (α-linoleic acid, lignans and phenolic compounds) which shows analgesic (pain-relieving), antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties[38].

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Alsi might help manage carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs due to an imbalance of Vata dosha which might lead to pain or numbness in the hands and arms. Alsi helps to reduce pain or numbness by providing warmth to the affected area due to its Vata balancing and Ushna (hot) properties.
1. Take ½-1 teaspoon Alsi seed powder
2. Add 1 glass of warm water to it.
3. Have it after lunch and dinner
1. Take ½-1 teaspoon Alsi seed powder
2. Add 1 glass of warm water to it.
3. Have it after lunch and dinner

Modern Science View
Alsi oil has numerous benefits and can be used for edible purposes. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which helps to lower the bad cholesterol(LDL) and increase good cholesterol(HDL) levels. Alsi oil boosts immunity, increase energy production in the body and reduces symptoms of fatigue, thus improving stamina. It helps reduce hair loss as well as dandruff and adds shine to hair. Commercially Alsi (Flaxseed) oil can be used in paints, floor coverings and coatings. Alsi oil is available in the market in liquid form as well as soft gel capsules[36][37].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi oil has a number of health benefits. It is mainly used to manage problems that occur due to an imbalance of Vata dosha such as digestion and diarrhoea. The Ushna (hot) and Grahi (absorbent) properties help manage indigestion and diarrhoea by improving digestion and controlling the frequency of motion. It is also beneficial in some skin problems like irritation due to its Kashaya (astringent) property which provides healthy glowing skin. It also helps improve internal strength due to its Balya (strength provider) property.

Modern Science View
Roasted Alsi (flaxweeds) are considered to be important for maintaining health. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, ligans and fibre which helps in the management of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and autoimmune disorders. It also contains vitamins, minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, potassium, calcium phosphorus and iron which might also help manage nutritional deficiencies[10][36].

Ayurvedic View
Roasted Alsi is beneficial in the condition of diarrhoea. According to Ayurveda, diarrhoea occurs due to Agnimandya (weak digestive fire) and leads to excessive frequency of watery stools. Alsi helps manage and control the frequency of excessive watery stools by enhancing the Agni (digestive fire) due to its Ushna (hot) nature and improving the digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. Alsi is also beneficial in the management of some painful conditions such as muscular pain or cramps due to its Vata balancing property.

Modern Science View
Yes, Alsi seeds are rich in antioxidants(like lignans, phenolic compounds and tocopherols) that protects the body from damage caused by free radicals(oxidative stress)[36].

Modern Science View
Yes, Flaxseeds(Alsi) are rich in nutrients. It is the best source of omega 3 fatty acid for non-fish eaters. It is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Alsi seeds have a high amount of proteins and amino acids almost comparable to soya proteins. They are also rich in antioxidants(like lignans and phenolic compounds) as well as dietary fibre[36].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be a useful additive in cosmetics. It may be good for your hair due to its antibacterial and antioxidant activity[34].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Alsi (Flaxseed) may be a useful additive in cosmetics. It may be good for your skin due to its antibacterial and antioxidant activity[34].

Ayurvedic View
Alsi (Flaxseed) oil helps to manage skin problems like skin allergy, wound, and other skin diseases. It helps to reduce skin inflammation and promote wound healing. This is due to its Ropan (healing) property.
1. Take ½ 1 teaspoon of Alsi oil.
2. Directly apply on affected area once or twice a day.
3. To get rid of skin problems.
1. Take ½ 1 teaspoon of Alsi oil.
2. Directly apply on affected area once or twice a day.
3. To get rid of skin problems.
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.