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MD (Pharmacology), MBBS
Last updated
29 Aug 2022 | 04:38 PM (IST)

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Abhrak is a mineral compound which consists of silicon, magnesium, calcium, potassium and aluminum in traces. According to modern science, there are two types of Abhrak: Ferromagnesium Mica and Alkaline Mica.
According to Ayurveda, Abhrak is of four types: Pinak, Naag, Manduk, Vajra. It is again subdivided according to colors into four types: Yellow, White, Red and Black.
Abhrak is used in Ayurveda in the form of bhasma which is a fine powder. It is generally used to manage male sexual problems like low sperm count and lack of sexual desire due to its ability to increase sperm count and aphrodisiac property.
Abhrak bhasma might be good for diabetics as it helps manage blood glucose levels due to its blood glucose lowering (hypoglycemic) activity. Ayurveda recommends taking Abhrak bhasma with guduchi satva or turmeric juice to improve metabolism and manage blood sugar levels due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestive) and Rasayana properties.
Abhrak bhasma should be taken in recommended dose and for a recommended duration as per an Ayurvedic doctor’s advice[1][2][5][7][8].

What are the synonyms of Abhrak?

Gagan, Bhrung, Vyom, Vajra, Ghan, Kha, Girija, Bahupatra, Megh, Antariksh, Aakash, Shubhra, Ambar, Girijabeej, Gauritej, Mica

What is the source of Abhrak?

Metal & Mineral based

Benefits of Abhrak

1. Indigestion
Abhrak bhasma is used for improving digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) property[8].

2. Cough
Abhrak bhasma helps in getting rid of cough and cold, chest congestion breathlessness, excessive cough due to its Kapha balancing property[8].

3. Improves sexual performance
Abhrak bhasma helps improve sexual problems like low sperm count and loss of libido due to its Rasayana and Vajikarana property[8].

4. Diabetes
Abhrak bhasma might reduce weakness, stress, anxiety in patients with diabetes due to its Rasayana property[8].

Precautions when using Abhrak

Advice from Experts
Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma should be taken in a recommended dose and for a recommended duration under an Ayurvedic doctor’s supervision.
Ayurvedic View
Avoid Abhrak bhasma in case of severe dehydration, intestinal blockage, diarrhea, hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism (excess parathyroid hormone production), poor functioning of kidney, bleeding disorders and ulcerative colitis.
Ayurvedic View
Avoid Abhrak bhasma during breastfeeding.
Ayurvedic View
Avoid Abhrak bhasma during pregnancy.
Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma should be given under doctor’s supervision to children below 12 years.

Recommended Dosage of Abhrak

  • Abhrak Bhasma - (Shatputi) ½ to 1 pinch in divided doses in a day.
    Always consult your doctor before taking Abhrak bhasma.

How to use Abhrak

1. Abhrak bhasma with honey
a. Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) in 1 teaspoon of honey.
b. Take it twice a day after light meals.

2. Abhrak bhasma with chyawanprash
a. Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) in 1 teaspoon of chyawanprash.
b. Take it twice a day after light meals to improve vitality.

3. Abhrak bhasma with coconut water
a. Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) in ½ glass coconut water
b. Take it twice a day after light meals to control urinary infection.

4. Abhrak bhasma with guduchi satva or turmeric juice
a. Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) in guduchi satva or turmeric juice.
b. Take it twice a day after light meals to regulate metabolism and blood sugar level[7].

5. Abhrak bhasma with rice water
a. Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) in 1 cup rice water.
b. Take it twice a day after light meals to manage white vaginal discharge.

Frequently asked questions

Q. How to store Abhrak bhasma?

Modern Science View
Abhrak bhasma should be stored at room temperature, away from heat and direct sunlight in dry and hygienic container. It should be kept out of reach from children and pets[2].

Q. Where do I get Abhrak bhasma?

Modern Science View
You can obtain Abhrak bhasma from any Ayurvedic store. It is better to buy Abhrak bhasma sealed pack from a well known manufacturer.

Q. Is Abhrak bhasma useful in hypertension?

Modern Science View
Potassium and magnesium present in Abhrak relaxes narrowed blood vessels and helps control high blood pressure[1][5][6].
Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma balances Pitta and Vata and helps in controlling blood pressure.
1. Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) in 1 teaspoon of honey.
2. Take it twice a day after light meals.

Q. Can Abhrak bhasma be used in male infertility?

Modern Science View
Yes, Abhrak bhasma might be helpful in increasing the sperm count. Animal studies suggest that Abhrak bhasma promotes sperm formation, prevents sperm cells death by maintaining the structural and functional integrity of the cell membrane and also reduces testicular damage. Therefore, Abhrak bhasma is considered to increase count of the viable sperms thereby increasing fertility[10].

Q. Is Abhrak bhasma useful in diabetes?

Modern Science View
Yes, Abhrak bhasma might help control blood sugar level as well as its associated problems like generalised weakness and lethargy due to its hypoglycemic activity[1][5][6][9].
Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma might reduce weakness, stress and anxiety in patients with diabetes due to its Rasayana property.

Q. Can Abhrak bhasma be taken in hepatitis?

Modern Science View
Abhrak bhasma might lower the risk of hepatitis as it is hepatoprotective (protects liver) in nature[1][5][7].
Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma might control the symptoms of hepatitis like fever, vomiting, loss of appetite and improves liver function due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties.
Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) with honey twice a day after taking light food.

Q. Can Abhrak bhasma be used in case of paralysis?

Modern Science View
Abhrak bhasma can be used in paralysis as it is a good nerve tonic. It nourishes the nerves and inhibits further damage of the nerves. Also, it helps strengthen muscles to some extent due to its rejuvenating property[1][5].
Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma might give support in case of paralysis by balancing Vata dosha. In addition to this, Abhrak bhasma nourishes nerves, inhibits further damage of nerves, reduces weakness of nerves due to its Rasayana property.
Take ½ to 1 pinch of Abhrak bhasma (Shatputi) with honey twice a day after taking light food.

Q. Is Abhrak bhasma beneficial in Tuberculosis?

Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma helps reduce cough and control primary and secondary infections in tuberculosis. It also reduces generalized weakness and improve energy levels in tuberculosis patients due to its Rasayana and Dhatu poshan properties[5][6].

Q. What are the side effects of Abhrak bhasma?

Ayurvedic View
Abhrak bhasma is medically useful in many diseases and its side effects are rare but if you face any problems like stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes after taking it, you can stop using it and better consult your doctor. If Abhrak bhasma is consumed orally in high doses, it may cause increase in heartbeats. So always consume in dosage recommended by the doctor.

Q. Can Abhrak bhasma be taken life long as it has many health benefits?

Modern Science View
No, As Abhrak bhasma is a mineral, it has to be taken under medical supervision, in proper dosage and for appropriate duration only. Long term usage or overdose may impair kidney function[5][6].

Q. Is Abhrak bhasma good for heart disease?

Modern Science View
Yes, it is very useful in heart disease like cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), hypertension, heart weakness, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris (chest pain), arrhythmia (Irregular heart beats) under medical supervision. In cases of heart diseases like tachycardia (increased heartbeats) or hypercalcemia (high level of calcium in blood), it is best to avoid Abhrak bhasma[5][6].

Q. Is Abhrak good for kidney diseases?

Modern Science View
Abhrak bhasma should not be given to patients with kidney impairment, kidney failure or patients who are on dialysis. This is because any kind of mineral has to be excreted through kidneys and consumption of Abhrak might exert more load on the kidney leading to worsening of the disease[5].

Q. Can I take only Abhrak bhasma to cure my tuberculosis instead of allopathic medicines?

Modern Science View
Although Abhrak bhasma is beneficial in tuberculosis but a single medicine therapy will not help in treating tuberculosis completely. This is because of our unhealthy lifestyle which makes our body weaker in comparison to the highly powerful tuberculosis causing bacteria. Supportive treatment like anti tuberculosis treatment and Abhrak bhasma along with other Ayurveda medicines will be more beneficial.

Q. Is Abhrak bhasma beneficial in oligospermia (low sperm count)?

Modern Science View
Yes, Abhrak bhasma has anti-infertility properties which may be beneficial in oligospermia (low sperm count). The studies suggest that it may increase the production of sperm within the male reproductive organs i.e. testes, proving beneficial for oligospermia[12].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Abhrak Bhasma is beneficial in cases of oligospermia i.e., low sperm count which generally occurs due to imbalanced Vata dosha. Abhrak Bhasma helps to manage this condition due to its Vata balancing and Vrishya (aphrodisiac) properties. This helps to improve sexual drive and thereby increases the sperm count.

Q. Is Abhrak beneficial in mental weakness and depression?

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Abhrak in mental weakness and depression.
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Abhrak bhasma is helpful in managing mental weakness and depression which occur due to imbalanced Vata dosha. The Medhya (brain tonic) and vata-balancing properties of abhrak bhasma help reduce the symptoms associated with depression and improve brain functioning.

Q. Can Abhrak be used for Fistula treatment?

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Abhrak in the management of fistula.
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Abhrak bhasma can be used in the management of fistula which occurs due to imbalanced Pitta dosha. The Sita (cold) and pitta-balancing properties of Abhrak help reduce the pus accumulated in the affected area (especially in the anus). This prevents the pus formation and pain in the anus by providing a cooling effect to the inflamed area.

Q. Is Abhrak bhasma beneficial in asthma treatment?

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available to support the benefits of Abhrak bhasma in asthma treatment, it may be used in Asthma treatment[11].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Abhrak is considered to be beneficial in the management of Asthma which occurs due to imbalanced Kapha dosha. Abrak’s Rasayan (rejuvenation) and Kapha-balancing properties promote the secretion of sputum by the air passages. This helps reduce the formation and accumulation of mucus in the respiratory passages, thus managing the symptoms associated with Asthma.

Q. Can Abhrak be used for impotence?

Modern Science View
Yes, Abhrak can be used for impotence as it helps achieve and maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity. It might also improve sexual desire due to its aphrodisiac property[12-14].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Abhrak Bhasma can be used for impotence. This condition occurs due to an imbalance of Vata dosha. Abhrak helps to manage impotence with its Vata-balancing and Vrishya (aphrodisiac) properties. This helps improve the quality of sperm and prevents impotence.


  1. Mishra S. Synonym, types, health benefits, properties, qualities of Abhrak. Bhaishajya Ratnavali.2009;3:29-32.
  2. Vaidya SS, Dole VA. Synonyms, Types, Dosage, Usage, Adjuvant. Textbook of Rasashastra.2002;12:124-131.
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  4. Subedi R, Kale P, Vartak RR.Study of general properties of abhrak bhasma: A nanomedicine.Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res.44(247):238-242.
  5. Gune GG.Mechanism of action, health benefits, precautions.Ayurvediya aushadhi Gundharm Shastra.2005;1(1):19-38.
  6. Wijenayake A, Abayasekara C.Action of Abhrak bhasma.Journal of Ethnopharmacology.2014;155(2):1001-1010.
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  8. Reddy PS.A Text Book of Rasashastra.Chaukhambha Orientalia.2017.
  9. Divya P, Surekha M, Shobha GH. Magnitude of Bhasmas in handling Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) - A Critical Review. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences.2017;2(4):112-120.
  10. Bhatia BS, Kale PG, Daoo JV, et al. Abhraka Bhasma treatment ameliorates proliferation of germinal epithelium after heat exposure in rats. Anc Sci Life.2012;31(4):171–180.
  11. Gopinath H, Shivashankar M.Herbo-Metallic Indian Nano-Medicine Abhrak Bhasma (MICA): A Periodical Review.RJPBCS.2016;7(6):2373-2381.
  12. Bhatia BS, Kale PG, Daoo JV, et al.Abhraka Bhasma treatment ameliorates proliferation of germinal epithelium after heat exposure in rats.Anc Sci Life. 2012;31(4):171–180.
  13. Mishra A, Mishra AK, Ghosh AK, et al. Significance of mica in ayurvedic products:An overview. IJRAP.2011;2(2):389-392.
  14. Patki PS.The Role of Indigenous Drugs in the Management of Male Sexual Disorders.Probe.1988:28(1);25-28.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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