My son fell sick very frequently we were worried about his health. He is just 4.5 years old and we didn't want him to grow up with a week immunity. So we visited Dr. Sabharwal and he is a promising doctor he is treating my son and he is feeling better day by day. We, being parents are completely satisfied and recommend him to other parents as well.
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My son is 4 years old, has presence of large area of heterogeneous echo texture in left cheek region at the site of swelling with small Hypo-echoic area.There is a presence of vascular pigmentation on color flow examination. Arterial pattern is obtained on Doppler spectral examination. No obvious calcification noted, reports are non -specific and however favor vascular malformation. Doctor advised CT/MRI correlation for further confirmation and characterization indicated clinically. Advised to start sclerotherapy also prescribed setrol, crocin and for swelling in cheek prescribed Propanol but no effective relief observed yet.