Liver cirrhosis with edema

Description of Liver cirrhosis with edema

Cirrhosis of liver is a result of a long-term liver damage which causes liver scarring. Healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue which in turn affects the functioning of the liver. This damage is irreversible and eventually can progress to liver failure where the liver stops functioning entirely.
Causes and Risk Factors
Common causes for cirrhosis of liver are:
1. Alcohol misuse or abuse: Liver is the main site for detoxification of alcohol. Overconsumption of alcohol can make the liver over worked which gradually leads to liver damage.
2. Infection with hepatitis C or hepatitis B
3. Autoimmune hepatitis: The person’s own immune system attacks healthy body tissue.
4. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis which causes fat to accumulate in the liver.
5. Damage to bile ducts
6. Inability of the body to handle iron and copper. These include Wilson’s disease and hemochromatosis.
7. Medications like acetaminophen, certain antibiotics, and some antidepressants.
Common risk factors are:
1. Obesity
2. Age and gender can also impact the onset of cirrhosis
Signs and Symptoms
There are very few symptoms in the early stages of liver cirrhosis. However, as there is loss of liver function you may experience following symptoms:
1. Loss of appetite
2. Nausea
3. Itchy skin
4. Weight loss
5. Weakness
Symptoms in the later stages include:
1. Jaundice
2. Vomiting of blood
3. Dark stools
4. Fluid retention in the legs and abdomen
The best test for investigating and making a diagnosis is a liver biopsy. A physical examination and complete history will also be taken. Tests will be required to determine the underlying cause of cirrhosis which include:
1. Complete blood count
2. Coagulation blood test
3. Albumin test-albumin is a protein produced by the liver.
4. Liver function tests
Other tests include:
a) Endoscopy
b) Ultrasound of the liver
c) MRI of the abdomen
d) CT scan of the abdomen
e) Liver biopsy
There is no cure for cirrhosis. However, symptoms can be managed with medications to reduce intensity of disease and slow down progress of disease. The various medications that might be used are as follows:
1. Medications include:
a) Antiviral and antibiotic medications to treat underlying hepatitis that is causing cirrhosis
b) Lactulose and low protein diet allow recovery of liver cells
2. Lifestyle and diet: Cessation of alcohol and losing weight are necessary for treating cirrhosis.
3. Surgery: In severe cases of liver, scarring liver transplant maybe needed.
Complications and When Should You See a Doctor
Consult a doctor immediately when you experience any of these:
1. Bleeding due to a decrease in clotting factors which are produced by the liver.
2. Easy bruising due to decrease in clotting factor proteins from liver.
3. Kidney failure indicated by a reduced urine output
4. Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes development
5. Hepatic encephalopathy might occur in severe cases -- a condition due to effects of toxins on the brain.
6. Enlarged spleen
7. Esophageal varices -- presence of blood in sputum
8. Edema and ascites (fluid collection in feet and abdomen)
Prevention and Prognosis
1. The best way to prevent cirrhosis is by not drinking excess alcohol. Men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol in a week.
2. Viral infections like hepatitis C and hepatitis B can be spread through sexual contact. It is advised to always indulge in safe sex practices, use sterile fresh needles and syringes, and screen blood for these infections before transfusion.
3. Vaccine for hepatitis B is available and should be taken without fail.
Prognosis depends upon the underlying cause and the treatment taken for this. The prognosis of this disease depends upon early diagnosis.
Content Details
Last updated on:
01 Nov 2021 | 04:56 PM (IST)
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