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MD (Pharmacology), MBBS
Last updated
29 Aug 2022 | 04:38 PM (IST)

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Wheatgrass is known as Gehun, Kanak in Ayurveda calls it is Godhuma. Wheatgrass juice is rich in essential minerals and nutrients that improve liver function and boost immunity. Wheatgrass is known to minimize fatigue, improve sleep and increase strength naturally. It is also used to manage weight as it improves digestion. Wheatgrass juice also works as a blood purifier and supports healthy skin. Thus, it should be taken as the first meal of the day in order to explore its maximum benefits[2-4]. Wheatgrass may lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes should keep their blood sugar levels monitored while taking wheatgrass

What are the synonyms of Wheatgrass?

Triticum aestivum, Gehun, Godhi, bahudugdha, godhuma, godumai, godumbaiyarisi, godumalu[1].

What is the source of Wheatgrass?

Plant Based

Benefits of Wheatgrass

1. Asthma
Asthma is a condition which leads to obstructed or swollen airways due to the production of sputum (mucus). This causes difficulty in breathing and wheezing sounds from the chest. According to Ayurveda, the main Doshas involved in Asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated Vata combines with deranged Kapha Dosha in the lungs causing an obstruction in the respiratory passage. Wheatgrass prevents the obstruction in the respiratory passage and helps manage Asthma due to its Vata balancing property[17].

2. Constipation
Constipation is caused due to an aggravated Vata Dosha. This can be due to the frequent consumption of junk food, excess intake of coffee or tea, sleeping late at night, stress and depression. All these factors aggravate Vata in the large intestine and cause constipation. Due to the imbalance of Vata Dosha, the intestines also become dry which leads to drying up of the Mala (stool), which further aggravates constipation. Wheatgrass helps provides oiliness to the intestines which results in easy passage of stool, thereby managing Constipation due to its Vata balancing and Snigdha (oily) properties[17].

3. Obesity
Obesity is a condition that occurs either due to bad eating habits or lack of physical activity.
It is a condition in which indigestion leads to accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the form of excessive fat. This leads to an imbalance of Meda Dhatu resulting in obesity. Wheatgrass helps in the management of Obesity by digesting Ama due to its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestion) properties. It also helps to improve metabolism which prevents further prevent Obesity[17].

4. Flatulence
Flatulence is a condition of accumulation of gas which causes discomfort in the abdomen or intestines. It is caused due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha. Low Pitta dosha and an aggravated Vata dosha result in Mand agni (low digestive fire). This leads to poor digestion and ultimately gas formation or flatulence. Wheatgrass helps maintain good digestion and prevents Flatulence in the management of Flatulence due to its Vata and Pitta balancing properties[17].

Precautions when using Wheatgrass

Advice from Experts
Modern Science View
It is advisable to take Wheatgrass on an empty stomach in the morning[16].
Modern Science View
Wheatgrass is not recommended for patients who are hypersensitive to allergies. So, it is advisable to consult a physician before taking Wheagrass[7].
Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the use of Wheatgrass during breastfeeding. So, it is advisable to avoid or consult a physician before using Wheatgrass during breastfeeding[7][4].
Other Interaction
Modern Science View
Wheatgrass may interact with Warfarin so it is not recommended for patients taking Warfarin[7][4].
Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the use of Wheatgrass during pregnancy. So, it is advisable to avoid or consult a physician before using Wheatgrass during pregnancy[7][4].
Side Effects
Modern Science View
1. Headaches
2. Nausea
3. Throat swelling[7][4].

Recommended Dosage of Wheatgrass

  • Wheatgrass Powder - 2-3 gm twice a day.
  • Wheatgrass Juice - 30 ml of juice twice a day[16].

How to use Wheatgrass

1. Wheatgrass Powder
a. Take 2-3 gm of Wheat grass powder.
b. Mix it in a glass of water.
c. Drink the mixture half an hour before taking meals.
d. Repeat regularly to get relief from constipation.

2. Wheatgrass Juice
a. Take 30 ml of fresh Wheatgrass juice.
b. Drink it half an hour before taking meals to maintain good digestion.
c. You can add some honey to fresh Wheatgrass juice to enhance the taste.

Benefits of Wheatgrass

1. Sore Throat
Sore throat is caused due to the imbalance of Kapha doshas. This leads to irritation in the throat due to the accumulation of toxins in the form of mucus and the person experiences mild coughing. Wheatgrass reduces and prevents the accumulation of mucus and provides relief from Sore throat due to its Kapha balancing property[18].

2. Boils
Boils are known as Vidradhi in Ayurveda and are caused due to the imbalance of any of the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta or Kapha). This might also sometimes lead to inflammation. Wheat flour can be applied in the form of a paste on the affected area to reduce inflammation and manage Boils[18].

3. Scars
There are various types of scars which may be caused due to a number of reasons, such as after wounds, burns or post surgery. This might sometimes lead to symptoms like itching or irritation. Wheatgrass oil is very beneficial in the removal of scars. This oil even reduces and prevents the symptoms like itching[18].

Precautions when using Wheatgrass

Modern Science View
Since enough scientific evidence is not available about the allergies related to Wheatgrass, it is advisable to consult a physician before using Wheatgrass externally.

Recommended Dosage of Wheatgrass

  • Wheatgrass Powder - 2-3 gm twice a day to be applied externally.
  • Wheatgrass Juice - 30 ml of juice twice a day to be used externally.

How to use Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass juice for hair damage
a. Take about 30 ml of Wheatgrass juice.
b. Rub it on your scalp.
c. Allow it to stay for 15-20 minutes.
d. Wash it with a mild shampoo.
e. Repeat once or twice a week to maintain good hair quality.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What is the best time to drink Wheatgrass juice?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass juice is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach, especially to avoid nausea.

Q. How much Wheatgrass juice should you drink a day?

Modern Science View
Generally 30-110 ml of Wheatgrass can be taken daily.

Q. Can you digest Wheatgrass?

Modern Science View
It is generally recommended to consume Wheatgrass in the form of juice as it contains indigestible cellulose which cannot be digested by humans.

Q. How long should you wait to eat after drinking Wheatgrass juice?

Modern Science View
You can eat half an hour after drinking Wheatgrass juice.

Q. Is Wheatgrass considered to be a superfood?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass is considered a superfood as it provides a number of nutrients and very few calories.

Q. Should wheatgrass be taken on an empty stomach?

Modern Science View
Yes, taking Wheatgrass on an empty stomach helps get incorporated into the blood in a short duration of time, giving a natural glow to the skin and an instant burst of energy.

Q. What is Wheatgrass powder good for?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass powder is rich in nutrients, minerals and antioxidants.These antioxidants fight against free radicals and prevent various diseases and infections.

Q. Is Wheatgrass a vegetable?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass is a vegetable harvested prior to the formation of the flower head.

Q. What is Green Blood Therapy?

Modern Science View
Green Blood Therapy is the use of Wheatgrass juice to cure various diseases. Green blood refers to the high chlorophyll content i.e., 70 % of total chemical constituents in Wheatgrass.

Q. Does Wheatgrass contain iron?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass contains iron and might be helpful during pregnancy[12].

Q. Does Wheatgrass contains vitamin K?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass contains vitamin K that helps in preventing cellular damage of the lungs[12].

Q. Does Wheatgrass contain vitamin A?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass contains Vitamin A. It provides glow to the outer skin and protects it from disease. It also helps in improving eyesight and cures black spots. It is also considered to be essential for growth and development[12].

Q. What are Wheatgrass pills good for?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass pills are an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals. They are a rich source of vitamin C, K, chlorophyll, calcium and fiber.

Q. How to make Wheatgrass juice?

Modern Science View
You can prepare Wheatgrass juice by the following method-

1. Cut and crush fresh Wheatgrass.
2. After crushing, wrap the Wheatgrass in a cloth and strain it to take out the juice.
3. Straining can also be done with a plastic strainer or electric juicer[12].

Q. In what forms is Wheatgrass available?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass is mostly available as extract, tablets and mixed juice. All these forms of Wheatgrass are considered to be of high medicinal value[13].

Q. Can raw Wheatgrass be consumed?

Modern Science View
Leaves of raw Wheatgrass are not easy to digest, so they are crushed and squeezed to prepare a juice which can then be consumed.

Q. Can we mix Wheatgrass with other juices?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice can be mixed with any other juice, except citrus juices[16].

Q. Can Wheatgrass powder be mixed with other foods?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass powder can be added to regular food, especially for children[16].

Q. Is Wheatgrass good for diabetes?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might help manage diabetes due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the breakdown of carbohydrates and prevents the damage of pancreatic beta cells. This enhances insulin secretion which helps lowers blood sugar levels[10].
Ayurvedic View
Diabetes, also known as Madhumeha, occurs due to an aggravation of Vata dosha as well as impaired digestion. Impaired digestion leads to an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the pancreatic cells and impairs the function of insulin. Wheatgrass helps prevent the formation of Ama by maintaining good digestion and also prevents the dysfunctioning of insulin, thereby reducing the symptoms of diabetes due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Vata balancing properties.

Q. Is Wheatgrass good for liver?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might help manage liver disorders. It helps in improving insulin resistance and metabolism of lipids. This decreases the accumulation of triglycerides in the liver which further controls the action of inflammation-causing mediators, thereby improving liver health[5].
Ayurvedic View
Liver problems like indigestion or loss of appetite generally occur due to weak digestive fire and imbalance of Pitta dosha. Wheatgrass helps manage liver problems due to its Pitta balancing,Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. It enhances the Agni (digestive fire) and maintains a healthy digestion, thereby reducing the symptoms of liver problems.

Q. Does Wheatgrass help in chronic fatigue syndrome?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass is considered to be helpful in case of chronic fatigue syndrome due to its antioxidant activity. Wheatgrass decreases the anxiety level and reduces damage caused due to oxidative stress, thereby having a protective effect in chronic fatigue syndrome[6].

Q. How does Wheatgrass help in peptic ulcers?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass juice might help in the management of peptic ulcers. Wheatgrass is found to be rich in chlorophyll which is effective in promoting the healing of ulcers[8].
Ayurvedic View
Peptic ulcers occur due to weak or poor digestion as well as the imbalance of Pitta dosha which leads to certain symptoms like burning. Wheatgrass enhances the Agni (digestive fire) and maintains a healthy digestion which helps reduce the symptoms of peptic ulcers due to its Pitta balancing,Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties.

Q. Does Wheatgrass help in acute inflammatory disease?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might help in acute inflammatory disease due to its anti-inflammatory activity. It reduces pain and inflammation in the affected area and also protects the body from infection, disease or any injury[9].
Ayurvedic View
Inflammation generally occurs due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha. Wheatgrass helps reduce inflammation and provides a cooling effect at the affected area due to its Vata-Pitta balancing and Sita (cold) properties.

Q. How does Wheatgrass help in controlling mouth diseases?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass juice might help in minimizing mouth diseases due to the presence of chlorophyll component. Chlorophyll has an anti-inflammatory property which helps reduce pain and inflammation associated with mouth diseases. It also controls the odor from mouth in case of mouth diseases[8].

Q. Can Wheatgrass help increase platelets?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice might help in increasing platelets due to the presence of chlorophyll and minerals. It increases the levels of haemoglobin, RBC and total WBC. This helps increase platelet count in the body[11].

Q. Can Wheatgrass eliminate toxins?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might help eliminate toxins from the body. The chlorophyll present in wheat aids in the detoxification of the body and works as a neutralizer of toxins[12].

Q. Is Wheatgrass good for constipation?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice might be good for constipation due to the presence of magnesium. It improves bowel movement and provides relief from constipation[12].
Ayurvedic View
Constipation is caused due to an aggravated Vata Dosha. This can be due to frequent consumption of junk food, excess intake of coffee or tea, sleeping late at night, stress or depression. All these factors aggravate Vata in the large intestine and cause constipation. Due to the imbalance of Vata Dosha, the intestines also become dry which leads to drying up of the Mala (stool), which further aggravates constipation. Wheatgrass helps provides oiliness to the intestines which results in easy passage of stool, thereby providing relief from constipation due to its Vata balancing and Snigdha (oily) properties.

Q. Does Wheatgrass help in lung injuries?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice might help in lung injuries resulting from inhalation of acidic gases. It dissolves the scars in the lungs and also decreases carbon monoxide effect due to the presence of chlorophyll[12].

Q. Does Wheatgrass help in joint pain?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might help manage joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation in bones, thereby providing relief from joint pains[12].
Ayurvedic View
Joint pain is a commonly seen symptom in some diseases like arthritis. This condition occurs due to an imbalance of Vata dosha and might also sometimes lead to inflammation. Wheatgrass helps reduce joint pain due to its Vata balancing property.

Q. Is Wheatgrass helpful in eczema?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice might reduce the risk of eczema. It helps purify blood and provides certain enzymes which are helpful in strengthening the immune system of the body[12].
Ayurvedic View
Eczema is a skin condition that makes the skin rough, blistered, inflamed, itchy and even bleed sometimes. These conditions mainly occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. Wheatgrass helps reduce the symptoms like rough skin, itching or bleeding due to its Pitta balancing, Snigdha (oily) and Sita (cold) properties.

Q. Is Wheatgrass helpful in reducing migraines?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice might help in reducing migraines due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Wheatgrass contains certain nutrients that help protect against damage caused by free radicals. Wheatgrass also has an anti-inflammatory property which helps in reducing pain and inflammation in case of migraine[12].

Q. Is Wheatgrass good for weight loss?

Modern Science View
No, Wheatgrass is not considered good for weight loss due to its glucose stabilization effect. It prevents the destruction of beta cells and provides carbohydrates for energy metabolism. This prevents the loss of body weight[10].

Q. How does Wheatgrass juice help in circulatory disorders (lung and heart diseases)?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass juice might help in circulatory disorders due to the presence of chlorophyll. It increases heart and lung function. Also, Wheatgrass contains iron which helps manage hemoglobin in blood and improves the oxygenation process[14].

Q. Does Wheatgrass help in insomnia?

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Wheatgrass might help manage insomnia[12].

Q. Is wheatgrass good for health?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Wheatgrass is good for health. It helps maintain good internal health, improves digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. It also helps provide strength to the muscles and bones due to its Balya (strength provider) property. Wheatgrass is also beneficial in improving sexual health due to its Vrshya (aphrodisiac) property.

Q. Does Wheatgrass boost metabolism?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Wheatgrass helps boost metabolism due to its Deepan (apetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties which further helps improve digestion. Wheatgrass also helps maintain normal bowel and motion by preventing conditions like constipation due to its Snigdh (oily) property.

Q. What precautions should be taken while using Wheatgrass?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass juice should be consumed immediately after it is extracted and no food should be taken half an hour before and after taking Wheatgrass[16].

Q. Does Wheatgrass cause flatulence?

Modern Science View
No, Wheatgrass does not cause flatulence. In fact, it might prevent flatulence due to its laxative effect. It promotes bowel movement and helps in the release of gas, thereby providing relief from flatulence[12].

Q. Does Wheatgrass prevent dyslipidemia?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might help prevent dyslipidemia due to its lipid-lowering activity. It increases the high-density lipoprotein or HDL level in the blood and lowers the lipid level[15].

Q. Does Wheatgrass cause nausea?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass when taken in high doses might cause nausea[7].

Q. Does Wheatgrass detox your body?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass has detoxifying activity due to the presence of chlorophyll and choline components. Various animal studies suggest that choline prevents fat deposition in the liver, thereby helping in the detoxification process[14].

Q. Does Wheatgrass lower cholesterol?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass is found to lower cholesterol levels[13]

Q. Is wheatgrass a blood thinner?

Modern Science View
No, Wheatgrass is not a blood thinner. Wheatgrass juice is high in vitamin K, which is a blood clotting agent. People taking blood thinning medications should avoid taking Wheatgrass juice[4].

Q. Does Wheatgrass cause headache?

Modern Science View
Yes, taking Wheatgrass in large amount might cause headache[7].

Q. Is Wheatgrass good for psoriasis?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might be useful for managing the symptoms of psoriasis due to its soothing and healing properties[12].
Ayurvedic View
Psoriasis is a common, chronic, autoimmune disease that causes dry, red, scaly patches and flakes to appear on the skin. This condition mainly occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. Wheatgrass helps reduce the symptoms like dry skin due to its Pitta balancing, Snigdha (oily) and Sita (cold) properties.

Q. How does Wheatgrass benefit your body?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, chlorophyll, and vitamins A, C and E[19]. Wheatgrass is often used for juicing or added to smoothies. Wheatgrass juice is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and gives immediate energy[20].
Ayurvedic View
Wheatgrass is a beneficial herb required to maintain a healthy body. Taking Wheatgrass juice or powder helps to give instant energy and also provides essential nutrients that are needed for the development of the body because of its Balya (strength providing) property.

Q. Are there any side effects of Wheatgrass?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass is generally considered safe. However, in some people, it may cause nausea, anorexia (an eating disorder characterized by a fear of gaining too much weight) and constipation. It is advised to consult your doctor if you are allergic to wheat or grass, or have celiac disease or gluten intolerance before using wheatgrass[19].
Ayurvedic View
Wheatgrass is good for health when it is taken in the recommended dosage. However, it is important to know that taking Wheatgrass in excess might cause digestive problems like heaviness as it is Guru (heavy to digest) nature.

Q. How do you drink Wheatgrass powder?

Modern Science View
You can add wheatgrass powder to a smoothie or juice. Do not worry, it does have an overpowering taste. If you do not like the taste, mix it with an ingredient that has a strong taste, such as pineapple or any fruit of your choice to make it more palatable. Alternatively, you can also mix it with milk, honey, or fruit juice.

Q. Is Wheatgrass the answer to all ailments?

Modern Science View
No medicine or home remedy is a one answer solution for all problems. This rule applies to Wheatgrass as well. It is not a miracle cure and shouldn't replace regular medical care or a healthy diet[19]. A diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables for overall health. Using Wheatgrass sensibly and in moderation may add benefits to your diet.
Ayurvedic View
Wheatgrass powder or juice is a healthy supplement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle but it is not the answer to all ailments. You can add wheatgrass to your diet to manage the signs and symptoms of your existing ailments.

Q. Does Wheatgrass juice increase hemoglobin?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice can help to increase the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a chemical in red blood cells that carries oxygen. These increased hemoglobin levels help patients with a blood disorder called beta-thalassemia[21].
Ayurvedic View
Taking Wheatgrass juice helps to get rid of the symptoms of weakness in the body because it has Balya (strength providing) property. This property helps to fulfill the requirement of essential vitamins and minerals in the body.

Q. Does Wheatgrass help with digestion?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice helps in digestion when taken in controlled quantity. It contains certain enzymes which help in the breakdown of food, thereby helping digestion and overall development of the body. Patients with any previous history of ailments can consult the doctor regarding the use of Wheatgrass.

Q. Does Wheatgrass help in ear infection?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass juice might help in ear infections. Wheatgrass juice can be applied in the ear drop by drop to get relief from pain and protect against infection in the ears due to its analgesic and anti-bacterial properties[12].

Q. How does Wheatgrass help in curing toothaches?

Modern Science View
Wheatgrass juice acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay. It might help prevent tooth decay as well as toothache due to its strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities[12].

Q. Is Wheatgrass helpful in managing boils, scars, and itching?

Modern Science View
Yes, Wheatgrass might be helpful in managing boils, scars and itching. It can be applied at the affected site in the form of a paste to promote wound healing activity due to the presence of chlorophyllin. Chlorophyllin also has bacteria resistant properties which helps protect against infections and further help in healing boils and scars[7][14].
Ayurvedic View
Boils, scars and itching are some symptoms which generally occur due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha. Wheatgrass helps reduce these symptoms due to its Vata-Pitta balancing properties.

Q. Is Wheatgrass good for hair growth?

Modern Science View
Although not enough scientific evidence is not available, Wheatgrass might help promote hair growth due to the presence of zinc which helps nourish hair[12].

Q. Does Wheatgrass cause inflammation?

Modern Science View
No, Wheatgrass does not cause inflammation. In fact, Wheatgrass cream has an anti-inflammatory property which helps in reducing pain and inflammation[12].


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  3. Padalia S, Drabu S, Indira R, et al. Multitude potential of Wheatgrass Juice (Green Blood): An overview. Chronicles of Young Scientists. 2010;1(2):23-28.External Link
  4. Sowjanya DK, Hariprasath K, Nalini GR.Wheat Grass Juice- Triticum aestivum Linn’ aTherapeutic Tool in Pharmaceutical Research, an Overview. Ijppr Human.2015;3(3):112-121.External Link
  5. Oh HS, Cho W, Tak SB, et al. Triticum aestivum ethanolic extract improves non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice fed a choline-deficient or high fat diet.Journal of the science of Food and Agriculture.2018;99(5).External Link
  6. Borah M, Sarma P, Das S. A Study of the protective effect of Triticum aestivum L. in an experimental animal model of chronic fatigue syndrome.Pharmacognosy research.2014;6(4):285-291.External Link
  7. Kumar NS, Murali M, Nair AM, et al.Green blood therapy of Wheatgrass – Nature’s finest Medicine – A Literature Review.IOSR- Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences.2016;11(2):57-64.External Link
  8. Shah K, Sheth D, Tirgar P, et al.Anti-ulcer activity of Triticum Aestivum on ethanol induced mucosal damage (cytoprotective activity) in Wistar.Pharmacologyonline.2011.2: 929-935.External Link
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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