Home remedies for burns

7 Best Home Remedies For Minor Burns

Burns is one of the most common household injuries. Be it a minor burn or a severe burn, it is indeed unpleasant and painful. The common occurrence of burn is while cooking, baking or ironing,…

Home remedies for whiteheads in hindi

चेहरे के वाइट हेड्स (Whiteheads) हटाने के लिए…

चेहरे की खूबसूरती को बनाए रखने के लिए ज़रुरी है कि आप चेहरे पर मौजूद रोम छिद्रों की सफाई करते रहें। रोम छिद्रों (पोर्स) की मदद से ही आपकी त्वचा सांस लेती है इसलिए इनका…

Home remedies for whiteheads in hindi

Oil Clogs – Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads…

Clogged pores are the root cause of whiteheads. Whiteheads, also called Milia, are formed when the pores in your face get clogged. Pollution, excessive sweating, oil secretions and dead skin cells all surround the pores and…

How To Get Rid Of Swollen Eyes?

Eyes are often referred to as “mirrors of the soul”. Bright clear eyes are commonly considered as a reflection of good health. But watching television late at night, excessive use of electronic screens, spending too…