World No Tobacco Day: Let It Not Threaten Your Health Anymore!

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Smoking has been found to be detrimental for almost every organ of our body. The will to quit smoking can save not only your lungs but many other organ systems of your body. Smoking has harmful effects on different organ systems. Each of the organ systems reacts differently once one quits smoking.

Here is how your body reacts once you quit smoking:

1 . Blood Pressure Returns To Normal  

-Smoking increases the blood pressure and puts your heart under stress which over the time weakens the heart. After 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal

-Smoking has been found to increase cholesterol and fatty acid deposition in the blood that further narrows down the arteries. These blocked arteries further increase the chances of a heart attack. After 8 hours oxygen levels in the blood return to normal and chances of heart attack start to fall

-Smoking thickens your blood and makes it difficult for it to circulate effectively. In 5 years, your risk of heart attack is reduced to about half of that of a smoker

2 . Blood Circulation Improves

-Nicotine restricts and tightens the blood vessels, therefore, decreasing the supply of the nutrients to the wounds. This overall decreases the healing time of the wounds.

-Within 2-12 weeks, your blood circulation improves and you can walk briskly.

3 . Lungs Work Better

-Smoking causes inflammation of the airways and the tissues of the lungs and therefore makes you feel breathless.

-After 24 hours, harmful carbon monoxide is removed from the body. The lungs start to clear out. It is after 3-9 months, your breathing problems like coughing, breathlessness improve.

-Regular smoking decreases the available surface area for exchange of oxygen leading to a condition called Emphysema.

-After 72 hours, your breathing becomes easier and your energy levels increase.

-In 10 years, your risk of lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker.

4 . Immunity Begins To Improve 

-Smoking leads to inflammation, therefore, an increased production of white blood cells.

-Increased white blood cells in the body increases the risk of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and strokes.

5 . Bones And Muscles Begin To Strengthen

-With depleted oxygen supply in the body, the blood is unable to carry oxygen alongside. The muscles run short of oxygen and therefore are fatigued more easily.

-Also, ingredients of the smoke directly effect the bone health and leads to bone thinning and loss of bone density.

So, this No World Tobacco Day, pledge to trash your cigarettes for a healthier you. Stay Happy, Stay Healthy!

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