Daily Habits That Are Making Your Hair Weaker

- Tanya Singh

Hot water can stress and dehydrate your hair strands. It can also dry out your scalp.

Hot Shower

Photo Credit: Freepik

Keeping your hair tightly tied for the whole day leads to excessive hair breakage and even a receding hairline!

Tying Too Much

Photo Credit: Freepik

Exposing your hair to the sun for too long leads to hair thinning, frizziness and brittle strands.

Sun Exposure

Photo Credit: Freepik

Heat and styling tools can be harsh on your hair, causing breakage and making your scalp weak.

Hair Styling

Photo Credit: Freepik

Brushing of hair aggresively leads to too much stress on the tresses leading to excessive breakages.

Aggressive Brushing

Photo Credit: Freepik