6 Protein Shakes You Need To Try For Weight Loss

monalisa deka

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Chocolate Banana Shake

Blend unsweetened cocoa powder, quinoa, one tablespoon peanut butter, banana, and almond milk for a rich and satisfying shake.

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Very Berry Protein Shake

Take a handful of mixed berries, almond milk, a tablespoon of chia seeds and blend well for a refreshing and filling shake.

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Green Power Protein Shake

Combine one cup of spinach, paneer cubes, and coconut water for a nutrient-packed shake that aids in weight loss.

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Peanut Butter Oats Shake

In a blender, add one cup of plain oats, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and soy milk. Blend well for a yummy and filling shake.

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Vegan Protein Shake

Combine one cup of tofu, almond milk, one tablespoon of oats, and one banana in a blender for a delicious protein-packed vegan shake.

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Coconut Almond Shake

Take one cup of grated coconut, almond milk, and a handful of almonds for a delicious protein-rich shake.

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