5 Health Benefits Of Super Grain Amaranth

monalisa deka

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Rajgira or amaranth is an important fasting food and a rich source of calcium. Let's have a look at its top 5 benefits:

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Aids Weight Loss

Since amaranth is high in fiber and slow to digest, it makes you feel full for longer eliminating the urge for repeated unhealthy snacking.

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Promotes Bone Health

Being rich in calcium and phosphorous, it helps build bone strength and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

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Strong Muscles

Since amaranth is rich in protein which is the building block of muscles, it helps in improving muscle strength.

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Healthy Heart

Amaranth contains potassium that helps maintain a healthy heart by balancing good and bad cholesterol levels.

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Improves Digestion

Amaranth is a fiber-rich grain that promotes digestive health and ensures healthy bowel movement.

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