Did You Know About These Health Risks Of Snoring?

Image of a woman irritated of her partner’s snoring habits

Snoring is a very common condition affecting men more than women. It tends to affect people who are overweight and worsens with age. Occasional snoring is not a major health concern. But if you snore on a regular basis, not only is it a nuisance for your partner but you might end up with some serious health problems.

1 . What Causes Snoring?

Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is physically obstructed.

Causes include:

-Sinus infections or allergic conditions

-Deviated nasal septum or a nasal polyp

-Weak muscles of throat and tongue

-Bulky throat tissue

2 . What Are The Possible Health Risks Of Snoring?

Here are the health risks associated with long term snoring:

-Sleep Apnea

When you snore your breathing can get interrupted in between which can last from a few seconds to minutes. This can cause partial or complete airway obstruction, known as sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can cause hypertension, stroke or heart failure.

-Disturbed Sleep

When you snore, you tend to wake frequently from your sleep without even realizing it. This interferes with your quality of sleep as well as your sleep cycle.

-Risk Of Heart Diseases

Prolonged sleep apnea often results in higher blood pressure and may cause enlargement of the heart, with higher risks of heart attack and stroke. People with long-term snoring or sleep apnea are at a higher risk of developing an irregular heart rhythm, or arrhythmia.

-Frequent Headaches

Studies show that habitual snorers are prone to morning headaches, thereby affecting their quality of life.

-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is very common in people with chronic snoring or sleep apnea. Both GERD and sleep apnea are related to being overweight and both seem to ease as people return to a normal weight.

-Risk Of Injury

This is one of the most serious dangers of sleep deprivation caused by snoring. Daytime sleepiness can put you or loved ones at a serious health risk. For example, you may be so sleep deprived that you end up falling asleep while driving which could prove fatal.

-Mental Health Issues

Long term snoring can affect your mental well-being due to chronic sleep deprivation leading to clinical depression. Studies show a link between daytime sleepiness due to snoring and risk of depression. It is seen that when snoring improves, the symptoms of depression also tend to improve.

3 . How Can You Manage Snoring Better?

Here are some effective ways to manage your snoring:

-If you are overweight, start a healthy weight loss regimen. Losing weight helps get rid of snoring.

-Avoiding consuming alcohol around bedtime.

-Try different sleeping positions to improve your breathing.

Quit smoking. Smoking can increase the swelling in the upper airway, which may worsen both snoring and apnea.

-Avoid sleeping on your back, it can worsen snoring

-If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, then your doctor may suggest Continuous Positive Airway Pressure -also called CPAP. It comprises of a mask that is worn over the nose and mouth as you sleep. This mask is attached to equipment that provides continuous air flow into the nose. This helps keep the airways open and ensures that your breathing is regular.

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