6 Surprising Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil (Nilgiri Oil)

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Eucalyptus oil (commonly known as Nilgiri Tel) is obtained from the fresh leaves of the tall, evergreen eucalyptus tree. It is a colorless liquid with a strong woody smell. Usage of Eucalyptus oil in aromatherapy has gradually grown over the time. The oil blends well with many other essential oils such as thyme, rosemary, marjoram, lavender and cedar wood.

Here are few health benefits of Eucalyptus Oil:


-Eucalyptus Oil is anti-septic in nature. It is effective in healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores.  It is also effective for insect bites and stings.

-Besides soothing the affected area, it also protects the open wound from developing infections from microbial activity.


-Eucalyptus is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and decongestant in nature. It is used for treating several respiratory problems such as cold, sore throat, asthma, nasal congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis.

-Gargling with Eucalyptus Oil mixed with warm water is effective in treating a sore throat. It has also been found to benefit asthma patients to a large extent. Massage 1-3 drops onto the chest. It calms the throat and allows more oxygen into the lungs to restore normal breathing.

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-Eucalyptus oil is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory by nature and has been found to be beneficial in relieving joint and muscle pain. It is often recommended to patients suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, sprained ligaments, stiff muscles, aches and nerve pain.

-Massaging the Eucalyptus Oil on the surface of the skin also helps to relieve stress and pain. The oil should be massaged in a circular motion on the affected areas of the body.


-Being anti-bacterial in nature, Eucalyptus Oil is an active ingredient in mouthwashes and toothpastes.

-It is very effective against cavities, dental plague, gingivitis and other dental infections owing to its anti-infection properties.


-Eucalyptus oil is often referred to as ‘fever oil’ as it helps cool down the body when suffering from fever.

-It works well when combined with peppermint oil and sprayed on the body as a mixture of a deodorant and a temperature reducer.


-A few drops of Eucalyptus Oil mixed with coconut oil or olive oil helps nourish your hair. This mix is especially great to ward off dandruff and an itchy scalp.

-Surprisingly, Eucalyptus Oil is also used as a natural remedy for lice in place of harsh chemical treatments.

So, go ahead and add this oil to your basket of essential oils and reap the countless benefits that it has to offer. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!

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